Page 7 of Act Three

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“Hey, those are my real clothes, remember?” I protested and gave April a shove.

“Yeah, but your hair stands out no matter what you’re wearing. This…” she grabbed a lock of her dark hair and pulled, “makes me invisible.”

“That’s not true,” a blonde girl who sat opposite us said in an American accent, echoing my own thoughts. “You both look great, but the whole point of being a background actor is that you’ll be in thebackground. If you take attention away from the main actors, you’re not doing your job properly.”

I gave April a nudge. “See?”

She folded her arms and sulked.

“Yeah, well, what would you know?”

The blonde woman laughed.

“I’m a professional background actor. The studio said they wouldn’t pay me to travel, but I was in the mood for a holiday.” She glanced over at the door, where a couple of other extras were coming in. “I’ve worked with Wyatt and Dean before. I came here because I’ve got thebiggestcrush on Isaac.”

“You do?” I sat up, surprised. I wouldn’t be surprised if she liked Dean or Wyatt, but Isaac? He was older than the other two and was handsome in a brooding kind of way, but out of all three men he was the least obvious crush.

“Yep.” The girl gave me a grin. “He hasn’t made a single movie for three years, and I was worried he might have retired forever. He used to be married, but I heard that ended around the time he disappeared.”

“Are you going to ask him out?” April was apparently over her wardrobe crisis because she leaned forward with a sparkle in her eyes.

“God, no,” the blonde girl said. “It’s against the rules. Besides, I asked Dean out once, before he was with Brooke, and not only did he shoot me down, but I nearly got fired.” She sighed. “Movie stars aren’t interested in ordinary folk like us.”

Got it. Don’t ask the hot actors out.

Not that I would have done that, anyway. Hollywood heartthrobs like those guys would have their pick of beautiful women with two functioning legs, and even regular men weren’t interested in me once they discovered my disability.

I scratched below my knee, where the prosthetic hugged my stump.

“I’m Jamie.” The woman held out her hand for us to shake, and elbowed the man sitting next to her, who was in the middle of a conversation with someone else. “And is Jerome. He’s a professional background actor, too.”

The man turned around at the sound of his name. His eyes looked too far apart for a moment, but when he grinned, they looked more balanced.

“Hi lovelies!” He was also American, and his voice was unexpectedly flamboyant. “Is this your first time?”

“Yep!” I tried to turn the question into a joke. “We’re both virgins!”

“Maybeyouare,” April scoffed, which made Jamie and Jerome laugh harder.

“Preston will pop your cherry soon enough.” Jerome swung one leg over the other. “He’s a great director, but a prick to work for.”

He and Jamie gave each other knowing looks.

An uneasy feeling spread through my stomach, but I ignored it. I wasn’t afraid of working hard — I did it all the time at the cafe. How much of a hardass could Preston be?

“How does this happen?” I asked. “We just sit here?”

“Pretty much,” Jamie said. “They’ll call us in when they need us.”

“Might as well make yourself comfortable.” Jerome tapped the book in his lap. “It’s going to be a long wait.”



Jerome wasn’t wrong: being an extra involved alotof waiting.

I tried to read the books I’d brought, but every time someone walked into the room, the movement grabbed my attention.Is this it? Are they calling us up?
