Page 14 of In Daddy's Custody

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“I didn’t even do anything wrong! All I did was ask if we could be moved to first class. She said no. I didn’t push it after that. Not a big deal.”

“If Richard wanted you to travel first class, he would have bought you a first-class ticket.”

“Oh, so now you can read Richard’s mind?”

I shake my head in disbelief; there’s not much else I can do. How can someone who knows they’re about to get their ass smackedbecause they’re literally being held down in an aeroplane toilet waiting for it to happen be so sassy?

Crack!I spank her hard, right across the fullest part of her backside. I know it hurts—my hand stings, and she hisses in pain.

“What did I say in the limo on the way to the airport that I was going to do if you swore again?”

“Is your memory that bad?” she sasses. “If you can’t remember, I’m not reminding you.”

Unbelievable! Did I really just smack her as hard as I think I did? I shake my head in wonder, again. This girl is teaching me far more about stubbornness than I need to know. I raise my hand and spank her again, right down low, in that really tender spot where her bottom meets her thigh, putting a lot more power behind it this time.

“I’m not asking you to remind me. I want to see if you were paying attention. You need to know that this spanking is justified, and reciting the warning I gave you earlier is proof of that.”



He’s so matter of fact. So certain that I’m going to do what he tells me to. Like he can’t even conceive of me disobeying. I scoff again. If he thinks I’m just going to meekly follow his orders, he can think again. In another time, in completely different circumstances, I could easily find that voice sexy. But right now, with him forcibly holding me down in the bathroom to face my punishment, there’s nothing sexy about it. So why does my pussy tingle with need? Why has my throat swelled up, obstructing my air? Why do my breasts feel tight and achy? Is it his dominance that my traitorous body is responding to? Or something else?

“I’m not telling you anything.” My words are muffled because I’m holding my breath, so I don’t scream.

The third whack lands in exactly the same place on the other side, right at the curve of my lower right butt cheek and the top of my thigh. His hand is huge and covers quite a large area. He puts a lot of power behind the smack and the sting is intense. ButI’m still holding my breath and don’t make a sound. My body, though, responds in ways I wish it wouldn’t. Heat shoots straight to my tingling pussy, reminding me just how attractive I find this man. The air in the tiny room is thick, but it’s nothing to do with the size of the room and everything to do with the sexual tension sparking between us.

“You can either tell me, or these pants can come down and you can get the rest of your spanking on your underwear.”

“Hell, no, you’re not touching my pants!” I snarl furiously. No way is he baring my ass. He cannot see how wet my panties are. He just can’t. If he does, I’ll die of shame. I shouldn’t be this aroused. My body should not be responding to him so easily. And yet it is… and I hate myself for it.

I wish there was more room in this tiny excuse for a bathroom. If there was a bit more space, I could fight him properly. I could kick him, scratch him, bite him. Do whatever it takes to get away. But with no room to move, my options are limited. Basically, the only escape route left to me is to scream for help. I’m tempted, but the thought of being rescued by the very same flight attendant I was apparently rude to is more humiliating than I can bear. Plus, thanks to Richard and my father, I’m totally reliant on Jaxon. I’m completely at his mercy.

“Then you know what to do. I’m waiting.”

Mercifully, he doesn’t whack me again. But he doesn’t let me go, either. He stands right there behind me, trapping me up against the wall with his hand still pressed between my shoulder blades. His very presence is making my body tingle with desire even more and my pussy throb with need, juices drenching my panties.

“And I’m not going to wait much longer.” His voice is gruff. Impatient. I’m not going to call his bluff because I already know what will happen if I do, but I don’t want to repeat the words he threatened me with on the way to the airport. I just can’t. It’s too humiliating.

I want the floor to give way beneath me. Hurtling through space is surely a better option than this.

“You were going to spank me,” I whisper.

“More detail,” he demands.

I close my eyes. It’s easier to shut out the claustrophobia that way, but more important, it’s easier to hide the tears that burn at the back of my eyes and threaten to fall any second. Why is he pushing this? Why can’t he just punish me and be done with it? Why does he have to draw it out and humiliate me as much as possible?

When I don’t answer, he tugs at the back of my pants, warning me what is about to happen if I don’t hurry up and comply with his command. My insides twist.

“You were going to turn me over your knee and spank me until your hand is too sore to do it anymore,” I whisper. It’s not verbatim, but it will have to do. I can’t remember the exact wording he used, but I’m scared he’ll punish me more if I admit that.

It’s obviously the right answer because he relaxes his grip on me just slightly and purrs softly in my ear. “Good girl.”

Right. So now I’m good? I shake my head, a slight smirk on my face. I will never understand this man.

“But not good enough to get out of this spanking, right?” I remark sarcastically.

Mr. Asshole doesn’t laugh. He doesn’t even crack a smile.
