Page 13 of In Daddy's Custody

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“Why the hell did you do that?” Jade snarls. “We will not be fine! It’s cramped here! I’m squished! I can’t even stretch my legs!” Her voice rises in volume with each short sentence out of her mouth, and I can feel dozens of eyes on us, watching, judging.Although she’s probably completely oblivious, more judgment is the last thing Jade needs.

“Be quiet,” I hiss again. “Stop drawing attention to yourself. Your behaviour right now is even less flattering than the photos in the newspaper that broke Richard’s heart this morning.”

“I don’t care!”

“You will,” I assure her firmly. “You know how I deal with brats. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that being on a public flight will save your ass. Stop complaining and behave!” I keep my voice deep and low, quiet. I don’t want anyone else to hear. This scolding is for Jade alone. It works. She squirms in her seat, crosses her arms and pouts furiously, but at least she’s quiet.

“And next time that flight attendant passes, you will apologise for your rudeness.”

Jade rolls her eyes and scoffs. At least I think that’s what she does. It sounds more like a weird choking snort.

“Fuck off, I don’t fucking think so. Itiscramped here. I know it, you know it, and she knows it. And she’s the only one who could do anything about it.” Her tone is acerbic. It’s unbelievable that she is actually this bitter about seats on a plane. I know it’s super uncomfortable, but nobody else is carrying on like she is. And her language! Either she’s forgotten my threat in the limo, or she doesn’t believe it. Something tells me it’s the latter. Well, she’s about to learn that I always keep my promises.

Fixing her with a fierce stare, I stand up, taking her wrist in a firm grip. Fear floods her face, and she yanks her wrist back, but I don’t release my grip. Instead, I tighten my fingers and she whimpers.

“Come.” It’s not a suggestion, it’s an order, and it’s one I won’t have disobeyed.

“No.” She shakes her head. The strength she manages to put into her voice is admirable, but I can hear the shaking behind it. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she pleads, turning puppy-dog eyes on me that I’m sure work with plenty of other people, but they’re not going to work with me. The frown I direct at her should tell her that I mean business. It should, but it doesn’t. She keeps trying to pull her wrist away, so I tighten my grip even more and give her a sharp tug.

“Come with me.” This time, I’m not giving her a choice. I bodily tug her to her feet and out into the aisle in one swift movement. Her attempts at fighting are commendable, but ultimately futile. I’m much bigger and stronger than she is, and I’m determined to teach her a lesson. If she doesn’t learn right now, at the start of our time together, that I expect to be obeyed, this whole trip is going to be a nightmare. I’m not going to have her battling me the entire way. I transfer my grip on her wrist to the back of her neck instead, and march her steadily down the aisle to the bathrooms at the very back. People stare at us as we pass but I ignore them. Jade’s face is bright red; whether from anger or embarrassment, I’m not sure. This young lady is going to get what’s coming to her, and I don’t care who knows it.

“It’s about time you learn, young lady, that I always keep my word. Whether that’s following through on a threat or keeping a promise. If I say I’m going to do something, I do it,” I growl softly in her ear.

Every time she tries to slow down or drag her feet, I squeeze the back of her neck and push her forward, giving her no choice but to keep walking to face the consequences of her appalling misbehaviour. If the strangers looking on have questions, theydon’t ask them. Nor do they try to stop me or rescue her. Quite likely, they have no idea what’s about to happen. But I’m pretty sure Jade knows. Or she suspects, anyway. That’s why she’s dragging her feet so infuriatingly and making this so much damn harder than it has to be.

“Move!” I growl in her ear again, my patience running out. She’s lucky I’m giving her some semblance of privacy to carry out her punishment instead of just smacking her backside right here in front of everyone. Not that I would spank her properly in public, but a single warning swat might make her hurry up.

Fortunately, the bathroom is vacant, so I shoulder open the door and push her inside, sliding the lock in place behind us. Jade looks at the door, terror written across her face. She’s not claustrophobic, is she? The last thing I need is her panicking on me. Not when I’m about to impart some much-needed discipline.

“Breathe,” I say softly, soothingly, trying to calm her down. “It’s okay, Jade. Just breathe.”

It seems to help. She inhales deeply through her nose, blowing air out through her mouth, and her body visibly relaxes. I take her shoulders and turn her around so she’s facing the wall. Maybe it will be easier for her when all she can see is the wall in front of her nose instead of the tiny bathroom surrounding her.

“Place your hands on the wall and bend over,” I command. When she doesn’t immediately obey, I pick her hands up and place them there myself, pressing her forward with a hand between her shoulder blades. I press harder until she arches her back and pushes her bottom out into the perfect position for punishment.

“Now hold still.” I’m sure she’s not going to, so I keep my hand there anyway, giving her no choice. She’s getting what’s coming to her. She had enough warnings.

I lean forward so my mouth is right beside her ear. I think I’m more intimidating that way, and right now, intimidating is what I want. If I can scare her into submission without actually having to hurt her too much, my job will be so much easier.

“You’ve needed someone to teach you how to be a good girl for a long time now, haven’t you, little girl?” I growl in her ear. “Well, now you’re going to learn. I’ve been watching you be rude and disrespectful to everyone you meet. I’ve seen you throw tantrums when you don’t get your own way. And while your father and Richard might tolerate that kind of atrocious behaviour, I will not. That kind of nonsense doesn’t wash with me. You will be polite. Do you understand?”

Jade doesn’t answer, but I can feel how angry she is. Tension fizzes through her, tightening the muscles in her upper back, under my hand. She’s clearly not used to being scolded. If anyone has ever taken her to task for her bad behaviour, it was a long time ago. She’s positively furious that she’s being held to account for it now.

“You are going to learn to behave properly,” I scold.

“Chill out, Jaxon. I don’t need a lecture,” the little brat in front of me snaps.

Keeping one hand right there on her upper back, holding her in position, I reach forward with my other hand and grasp her chin, twisting her face around so she has no choice but to look at me. I keep my mouth close to her ear.

“Actually, that’s exactly what you need, little girl. The way you spoke to that poor flight attendant, trying to use your father’s status to make things go your own way, was extremely rude. You are not more important than anyone else,” I snarl right in her ear. “Just because your father is rich, does not entitle you to any more space than other people get. And you will curb your potty mouth. I think I made it very clear to you that swearing won’t be tolerated.”

My attempt at intimidation doesn’t work. Or maybe it does and she’s one of those people who channels fear into anger. Whatever it is, she wrenches her head around out of my grasp and looks at me, fury blazing in her eyes.

“So I like to swear. Sue me,” she hisses.

“Oh, I’ll definitely do more than sue you, little girl,” I growl. “If I hear any more language like that out of you, you’ll be getting your mouth washed out with soap as well as getting another sore bottom.”

She sneers at me, her upper lip curled up in condescending distaste. She’s not backing down, that much is clear.
