Page 62 of Exception

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“I’m not slumming.” I set my fork down and cross my arms in front of my chest. “And we can’t keep this a secret forever. It’s just not possible.”

“I agree,” he shocks me, “which is why we’ll end it whenever you decide it’s time to move on. Until then, we’ll just be more cautious than we have been the last several weeks. That means playing the role people expect of me.”

My mind is screaming at me to say no, but my heart thinks if I do tonight will be our last night together. No matter how much I want to come out of hiding, I’m not ready to give this up.

“Hey.” He extends his hand, and I take it so he can pull me into his lap. “It’s all for show. I’m not interested in resuming my former lifestyle.”

My worry must have been showing on my face.

“Why not? I mean, I’m barely more experienced than a virgin, and I’m sure you could find lots of people who would be way more…satisfying.” It hurts to admit that, and it could be the thing that makeshimend this whether I’m ready to or not. But if I’m going to agree to the charade he’s proposing, I need to understand why he’s willing to forego the random hookups.

“Figuring out what you like is way more satisfying than a quick, random fuck.”

It’s not hearts and flowers, though it is a very Deacon thing to say, so I know it’s the truth.

“Are you implying you have more things to teach me?” I walk my fingers up his chest, giving him an easy out from what could’ve become an intense conversation. If he’s not ready to believe he can be with me openly, he’s definitely not ready to accept that I want this to be more than sex. And business plans.

“Got something in mind you want to learn?” he growls in the way that never fails to make my panties wet.

“You’re the teacher. What do you want to show me?”

A sly smile stretches across his face. “Get in the bedroom. Lie down in the center of the bed, on your back. Clothes off.” He lifts me off his lap and gives me a quick yet firm slap on my ass. “I’ll be in after I clean up.”

I practically skip down the hall, eager to please. And I follow his instructions to a ‘T’, right up until I get to the part about being naked. I’m wearing a fiery red bra and panties that I ordered special for him, and I really want to show them off.

“You’re not naked,” Deacon growls when he enters the room a few minutes later.

“True, but if I were you wouldn’t get to see what I got for you.” I lick my suddenly dry lips.

“This is for me?” He traces a fingertip along the edge of the cup resting on my breast.

“Uh huh.”

“Sexy,” he murmurs. “But I can’t fuck your tits with it on.”

“Take it off then.” My eyes drift to my chest, directing him to the clasp nestled beneath my cleavage. He follows my gaze and unhooks the cups, letting them fall away. Now it’s his turn to lick his lips.

“Swear to God, Tiff, you’ve got the most incredible tits I’ve ever seen.” He cups one in his hand, molding it gently in his palm.

“They’re just boobs.” I feel my face blushing under his heated stare even as my body arches into his hand. “I don’t understand the fascination.”

He places a surprisingly chaste kiss on my nipple, sending shivers along my spine. “I guess they’re fascinating because they’re yours.”

“What does that mean?” My breath catches as he plumps my breast in his hand.

“Remember how you said the first thing you’d do if you were me was to have sex. To see what it would be like for me since I have different equipment?” I bite down on my lip as I nod my head. “Well, I don’t have tits, so I don’t know what it feels like to have them touched, but I like watching your reactions when I play with them. How you hold your breath when I squeeze, or moan when I suck on them.” He pulls a nipple into his mouth, coaxing the sound from my throat.

“Just like that,” he mutters. “I fucking love that sound.”

Sighing as Deacon puts his mouth back on me, I give myself over to the pleasure he’s making me feel, letting myself enjoy it. I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with my boobs, alternately feeling proud and mortified by the way people looked at them. I mean, deep down I know they wouldn’t attract attention if they weren’t nice to look at, and who doesn’t like to think of themselves as having an attractive feature? On the other hand, that attention can also make me feel like an object. Yet right now, they make me feel sexy. Desired.

“Can’t wait anymore.” Deacon stands and starts shedding his clothes. “I need to see my cock sliding between your tits.”

He slides my panties off my legs then lines himself up between my thighs. “What are you doing?” I ask.

“This will feel better for both of us if my dick’s wet.” He drags his length back and forth along my center. “And unless you have any lube, this is the next best thing.”

After a few more passes, which have us both moaning, he scoots forward so his glistening cock is laying between my cleavage. Taking my hands in his, he guides them to my breasts. “Push them together. Make it tight.”
