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Ivan smiles crookedly and leans close. “You put yourself in the middle of this.”

“Are you ready to place your orders?” the waiter asks, his tone friendly as he stands at the opposite side of the table. He flips open a little notebook, his pen hovering over the paper.

Ivan pulls back from me, his eyes sparkling with amusement. His hand leaves my thigh long enough to grab his glass of wine and take a long sip. It’s not much of a break from his touch, but I suspect that it’s the best I’m going to get.

“I’ll have the chef special please,” I say with a smile. I fold the leather-bound menu shut and hand it back to him. “And another glass of wine please.”

The waiter nods and scribbles the order down on the pad before turning to Ivan. He swallows hard as he looks at the threatening man beside me. “And for you, sir?”

“I’ll have the same, thank you.” he hands the waiter the menu, the corner of his mouth twitching when the waiter hurries away as fast as possible.

“You’re scaring the hell out of the poor kid.” I grip the thin stem of my wine glass and take a sip.

“How can you call him a kid when you’re barely more than a child yourself?” Ivan asks, his tone teasing.

It’s that glimpse of a playful side that does it for me. My inner walls clench as his hand returns to my thigh. His fingers climb higher up my leg until he’s skimming the front of my silk thong with a single finger. The pressure is too light to get any relief from the ache between my legs.

“I would have preferred if you didn’t wear anything under the dress,” Ivan says as an older couple passes our table. The woman shoots him a dirty glare.

What she can’t see is the way he hooks a finger beneath the thin layer of fabric separating us. I bite down on a gasp as he slides his finger along my wet slit.

“I was right,” His deep voice whispers as he grazes my neck with his teeth. “You are soaked for me. You might pretend to be a good girl, but you want this. You like the idea of me sliding my finger into you under this table and making you come in front of everyone here.”

I grab his wrist and yank his hand away from me as my cheeks flame. “Enough! I hate you! You can’t do this to me in a restaurant.”

He smirks and leans back in the booth, licking his finger clean. “You taste sweet. And yes, you’re right. We’re not going to be doing this here. You’re going to get so much more on our wedding night.”

“There’s not going to be a wedding night.” I try to sound stern, but even I can hear the doubt in my voice.

If this is the only way to keep Lily safe, then there is no other way forward. I don’t want to marry Ivan, but I don’t want to lose my sister either.

“Stop this crap right now, I think you're smart and understand what’s at stake here. I’ve had enough of this game you keep trying to play.” He moves to reach for a glass of water across the table, invading my space again. His hand brushes against my breast as he pulls back, my nipples stiffening into hard peaks.

His gaze drops to the front of my dress with a smirk. Even as I cross my arms and try to hide what he’s doing to me; I know it’s pointless.

I may hate Ivan, but there is no denying that I want him in a way I’ve never wanted anyone else.

“You are older than me. By quite a bit. You want to settle down with someone so young they could be your daughter.”

He grabs my throat, his thumb drifting over my pulse. The corner of his mouth tips upward as he feels the rapid beat beneath his touch.

“You like this little game as much as I do.” He squeezes lightly and chuckles as my veins throb. “You want me, doll, just like I want you. But this will be the first and last time you mention the years between us. They don’t matter.”

He lets go of my throat and takes a sip of his wine. I squeeze my thighs together as the ache in my pussy intensifies. Ivan’s hand drops to my thigh again, but it’s still this time.

I have to get out of here. He isn’t going to budge about the marriage, but I don’t know if I can go through with it. If I leave, it will give him time to think about this.

“Marrying me is a mistake. You’re going to regret it eventually. There is no way that you’re going to want to spend the rest of your life with me once you get to know me.”

As I stand up, he gives me a chilling look. The muscle in his jaw twitches and one eyebrow rises. My mouth goes dry as I take a step back. But before I can take another step, his big hand wraps around my wrist. It’s too firm to be a friendly touch. His fingers dig into my pulse as he pulls me back again.

“What the fuck are you doing? You’re not going anywhere. Now sit the fuck down and have dinner with me.”

His callous hand presses hard on my wrist one last time before letting go of me.

Ivan rolls his eyes as our plates of food appear in front of us. The scent of the grilled lamb and the spicy sauce on it has my mouth watering as hunger rolls through me in waves.

“I’ve been listening to your complaints against the marriage so far, but now you’re grasping at straws. You have no choice; you are going to be mine.”
