Page 10 of King of Shadows

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The bullet explodes aiming at the circle of three in which we were.

Domenico remains attached to my arm and Fabian moves away, when I turn around my eyes are crystal clear because there is a damn pain that spreads through my abdomen. I put my hand to my belly, touch it and raise my fingers that are covered in blood.

—Be a fucking idiot, Domenico!

Fabian is about to take me out of Dom's arms when he sees my legs bend, but Leone aims at his hands and a bullet crosses the back of his hands. He walks away, grabs my hair and analyzes my face, my knees are about to fall, he picks me up quickly and takes me out of the place, leaving everyone behind.

I catch up with my friend to see him crawling on the ground, raising his hand trying to recover me through the air. The restaurant falls silent, Leone barks more orders, and I'm loaded into a truck injured.

The two brothers surround me on either side, reclining the seats of the truck so they can lie me down. I stop his hands from trying to push up my flower dress.

—You're going to die if I don't do it, I have to get her out!

—Tear her dress now, Leone!

—It's your damn fault!

—You shot, you idiot!

I hear the knife tear the dress as we move. I stay in my underwear and Domenico's fingers press on the wound until Leone takes out a black suitcase where the gauze and everything necessary to heal fall. They put the gauze on top, wipe away the blood, and then the syringe appears before my eyes.

"Keep pushing, Dom!"

—That's what I'm fucking doing! —He shouts exasperated—. Ginevra prepare the house, we have a wounded man!

He orders and the drivers ahead give the requests in Italian. Right now I can't hear anything, I just see that everything is spinning, my vision begins to blur and Domenico hits my cheek, staining it with blood.

—If you die, I revive you and kill you again for a little girl who can't stand anything.

The puncture extends into my abdomen as Leone finishes administering the local anesthesia. He looks at his watch that shines with the diamonds that adorn the entire strap. I begin to feel numb in that part where the bullet entered me. I look back and see Leone's fingers sticking into the hole, then he takes out some tweezers and searches for the bullet as hard as he can.

I'm not complaining, my lips are dry and tears are sliding down my cheeks.

—Sir, five minutes from the house and Ginevra is ready.

-I found her!

Leone removes the bullet with the tweezers, Domenico continues to press and after several minutes the truck stops. A pair of feminine hisses attack my ears as they open the door.

-What did you do?

—Stand back and have the towel ready.

The two brothers put me down, I complain a little and without further ado put my arms on their shoulders. A girl with dark chocolate hair puts the towel on my abdomen when she sees us full of blood, this mansion is huge, but I don't have the ability to analyze it because everything hurts, everything feels too heavy that I can't even handle it with my body.

They drag me through the double doors that are tall and made of oak. The maids move like ants until they take me to the dining room. The last thing I expect them to do is pick me up, their hands wrap around my body and they lay me down on the table.

—I need the suturing equipment!

Ginevra screams, she ties her hair, I look at the high white ceiling and just try to breathe. I stay still when they bring her things, she puts on her gloves and looks for everything she needs until I have the two men on either side.

“Salvatore is going to kill them,” he exhales. They shouldn't have hurt her.

—It was Leone.

—You weren't allowed to put up a tremendous battle, I told you to take it out!

—And that's what I tried! —He refutes—. You weren't allowed to shoot if she was in the way!
