Page 104 of King of Shadows

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Did she love him, warts and all?

Maybe, because he already did it despite his lies because he said that he would never feel anything, that he would not fall in love, that I would do it first and I think that is not true.

Here he lost a long time ago.

And today I would make the challenges return, because it was necessary, it was what kept us alive.

And Emily Fiore's party couldn't be a party without challenges.





I let him have fun watching a wide variety of movies on the big screen, neither of us stops eating and continue seeing what movies there are to be able to put on and watch for long hours. Seeing her live with Trixi makes me think of some things that may be out of place, she has always had that maternal sense, that love for children that makes me think about what she may want for the future in her life.

Although she takes over various parts of me, I am sure that my fears will remain within me. I'm afraid of failing as a man, as a boyfriend, as a couple, and on top of that, failing as a father one day. I don't want to become someone who is destructive, someone who is a liar who only uses the family for convenience, maybe that's why I don't want him to get too close.

I don't want Emily to take everything I have left in her hands because she'll make me want things I'm not sure I'll get. I would never mess with someone while being with her, because I understand very well all the pain and disappointments she has suffered from men.

Seeing the simple excitement of a little girl jumping to receive gifts is what I had most wanted to see one day, I wanted to make someone happy, after taking so many lives and being a son of a bitch in the world, I wanted to make someone happy.

I don't know if I would be able to fulfill all the items that a man must fulfill to make a woman happy. This is what I have to offer, this is what I can give her because this is my world, it is my life and even if I want to leave everything aside that involves too many risks that I do not plan to take because it would mean that Emily would end up dead before she can enjoy my freedom with her.

Things are difficult now, I have this need to make her happy and show her the type of man I am, no, I do not plan to show her the type of man she deserves because I am sure that if she wants a whole world full of colors I will never give it to her . I will be able to give. It is no lie that the only color that can paint our world is red.

It is the blood that we shed every day, the worst thing is that we do not repent, because few people will be able to love us and those will only be the ones who understand that there will be no holiness here, good love, sweet, beautiful we love you. No, here are things you can run from so they don't take you and tear you to pieces. Because here people love in the cruelest way that exists.

For Emily it's not too late, she can leave and never come back. My critical side makes it clear to me that it is best, that she not come back, but that silly sensitive side that she still feels tells me to forbid it, not to leave her. After all, we were broken people who healed over time so we could be together.

What if we healed and we were never meant to be together?

I don't know, because not forcing her is one of the conditions we set and that I plan to fulfill. I don't plan to disappoint her, if she finds someone else, if she's tired of me, let her leave because someone out there will be so worthy of having her and making her happy that it will be something she deserves no matter what, even if I don't want it that way. .

However, for the moment I give her everything she deserves, because if Emily gets someone, she will realize that she doesn't deserve trifles.

She deserves the whole world, she deserves the stars, she deserves the sun and the moon, I give all of that to her now, but let her know that each thing is bathed in blood. She will know if she wants to receive that forever or change and wait for something else.

I stop thinking, Trixi falls asleep in my arm, I pick her up and let Emily know that I'm going to drop her off in her room. I go up carefully, I have not interrupted the false party that is taking place at the Marino house because that implies that there is some lack of concentration among my brothers. It is not the most optimal.

I put the girl in her bed, the nanny comes to get the clothes ready, she barely opens her eyes.

—Good night Trixi.

"Wait," he holds my shoulders, preventing me from standing up. You are the boss, you are the great Salvatore Marino - he smiles naively - and I want to ask you something.

-Tell me.

—Lioncito... can he be my dad?

I walk away a little, looking at the girl's sleepy face.

—Trix, that's something you should ask him, not me.

—But you are his brother, his boss and I am in your house, I must ask permission.
