Page 121 of King of Shadows

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He shows me with perfect technique how he removes the gun from his thigh in nanoseconds and then points it into the air. In my head I can already imagine a supposed enemy who would be burying the barrel in his forehead.

—And a mafia lady like you, I assure you, will never lose a battle.

—Things won't always turn out well, Gin.

-And don't expect them to turn out in the best way - he refutes after analyzing my answer -, because everything we do is in the cruelest way possible, now take out that weapon and intimidate your enemy with your gaze, even as you are going to get on your knees.

By knowing your body well, it is easier to know where to feel without looking. I find the gun, I take it without hesitation as Lorenzo had taught me and I aim, looking with a cold fury contained in my eyes.

What would a cruel Emily be like?

I don't know, but I'm not going to lie, the idea fascinates me, it causes me good thoughts because it would be a facet that I would feel proud to know.

I no longer want to feel afraid for the true person I am, maybe at first everyone believed the lie: Emily is sweet, she has her secrets, but the angel inside will always be with her. When it is not like that because that angel has never been that, it has always been a little demon on fire that has wanted to be released for many years when they began to hurt me as if it did not matter.

—That's what a mature daughter does for her father, daughter. —He said, watching me swallow my own tears.

—Do what dad?

—Don't get upset, don't get jealous or believe that having a sister...

-Half sister.

—You think that having a half-sister is a mistake or a problem, of course it is not.

—Yes, maybe not.

—I'm so proud that you are such an understanding daughter.

He hugged me, forgetting what I had told him a week ago. Maxim had been so mean to me that he bothered me too much, he made me feel insecure, insufficient, he made me feel that I was not my dad's daughter, but that he was just her father. She made me feel so bad that Dad just said I should let it go because it was one of her stages that was going to pass soon.

It never happened, the same cruel people continued to be cruel to me.

Now it was my turn to turn all that around, I needed to change, I needed to become so cruel that everything that hurt me at the time would never make me cry again. Because all that would give me the strength to become the most hated person in the world, the most bloodthirsty, the most murderous that they had never seen before.

As Leon said, it was either this or let those people from my old life continue to harm me.

And I will not be left behind, I will change, I will grow because I am creating a lady in me.

A very cruel mafia lady.





I have to improve, I tell myself every day, today is Thursday and I haven't stopped. I grind my muscles until the last minute, the nice thing is that I have classes with Trixi since the morning, which makes Salvatore and I rush to get ready so everyone does their part. I don't waste time, I enjoy and squeeze every minute of the day by having the three brothers show me how to be one more in this business without showing my inexperience.

Salvatore is the last one I see at night, we talk a little because we both always end up tired from everything we have to do in the day so we have been avoiding our bodies touching each other this whole week to avoid wasting time. I keep hitting the punching bag, over and over again until every part of my body starts to hurt.

A pain that I like, a pain that I enjoy.

"That's Miss Fiore."

Tamara helps me unleash the round of blows that I attack the bag, the timer rings, I go to the table and although it is not the best, I have taken advantage of every minute to improve even a little. That makes me take the knives decisively, I get into my position and throw them, the three knives fall on the punching bag. I lunge and kick with precision that causes the knife to sink completely into the bag.
