Page 124 of King of Shadows

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—I don't have the mood to...

"Silence," he covers my lips with his, he begins to move slowly against them until he separates to say, "Go and follow the directions." I'll take care of the rest.

I no longer refute, I directly grab my pajamas and get to the shower, letting the water itself soothe the pain on my muscles. I was really trying too hard to save my brother, that's what he is, my brother until death.

I don't rush when it comes to scrubbing my scalp or my body, I take my bath slowly and get into the babydoll he had given me, it's too soft. I don't put on underwear, when I finish drying my hair I see him sitting on the single chair with his table folded and the food.

-You want to eat?

—No, I want to sleep, everything hurts.

"Well, lie down then."

I just reacted to all those movements and attacks I made to get rid of the head of the escort. God, it feels so damn good to think that I was able to do all that by moving away from my old thoughts and replacing them with empowering new ones. I don't regret anything, this is the new me and I'm pretty sure my brother would love to see everything I unleashed inside me to get to him.

I feel the rich sheets touching my thighs, I don't get into them, I stay outside because my body is too full of heat, my muscles will only hurt when I relax completely, at the moment there is no evidence of bumps or pain. For now.

—It was impressive to see what you did with my escort chief, he is a tough guy who does not leave aside his skills, he always wants to stand out and I myself gave him all those advantages —he talks to me, cuts a piece of fish dipped in some sauce to bring it to your lips. I myself made him put on the uniform because I knew that you were wearing a dress. I gave him a weapon considering that you were carrying knives because he must have known how much my brothers helped to make you great in certain skills that you had low.

» I'm not going to lie to you, I was surprised that you hesitated because you are a woman of challenges, but I only asked you if you wanted to give up or continue to win. You were capable from the moment you wanted to make a change in your life, Emily, not many people dare to undergo such drastic changes, but you—she points at me with her fork—you wanted it that way. I don't want to say that every attack was perfect, there were moments where you doubted, where you questioned whether what you were doing was good or bad. But you have not wanted to be a goodprincipessafor a long time , you want to be a cruelprincipessa, so cruel that people are going to fear her and I was not wrong.

Take some sauce and vegetables to put it in your mouth. He takes light sips of his glass of water while I remain admiring him, clinging to my pillow. Sleep is beginning to overcome me, but I pay all the attention I have left.

» What I'm trying to get at is that I have no doubts about taking you, you can do it as long as you follow the orders we will give and follow the plans. Just because you have defeated an escort does not mean that you will be able to defeat forty of Alessio's thugs on your own. We leave on Friday night to be able to arrive in Puglia early Saturday morning, it's time to get our friend back, love.

That ultimately wakes me up, I jump out of bed, I care very little about pushing his table and spilling some of the sauce on the floor. I fill him with kisses all over his face.

-Thank you.

—Get ready, you have part of Friday to polish some things.

"I'll start early, I promise."

I'm surprised to see him shake his head when I lie back down on the bed.

—You won't, you and I have been very stressed these days, it's almost a week since your birthday and I think I want to make up for the lost time with some of our games —he comments with that perverse touch coloring his voice—, I'll take care of it, I'll make you enjoy it while I'll do it too.

—My legs hurt, Guillermo hit hard.

—I'll take care of them, I'll take care of myprincipessa, you don't have to worry.

-What will you do? I don't have much energy, I have little, but I'm also interested.

—Calm down, let me take one more bite.

He does it slowly as if letting the perverse and bloody thoughts combine in his head. He puts down half of his plate and then stands up and takes something out of his cupboard.

—You're going to relax, Emily, while I enjoy the pleasure I haven't had this entire week. —He says it in a somewhat annoyed tone, I knew that this affected us both because for days sometimes I just wanted to have him inside me again, but my head wouldn't allow it, I was tired—. It's so hard just to see you come and go and not have you near me, it's so hard for me not to touch you like on your birthday.

—We have certain problems in the world, diavolo.

"We have them, but that's not going to prohibit us from having a little intimacy between the two of us," he looks at me with those darkened orbs, "ever."

He keeps something on his back, some things he carries in his pocket. When he approaches the bed, he takes my hand, kisses my knuckles, and within seconds I see him wrap the rope around my wrist.

-Do not tell me that...

He pulls my blouse up until it is off my body before tying me on the other sides.
