Page 134 of King of Shadows

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—What if they... touched him?

"They are going to pay, because all of us will make them pay, they have only touched it today," he clarifies, capturing my attention, he knows what he is talking about. Because of the blows, the blood looks too fresh, it looks stable because of the texture of the skin. They cannot offer it that way, it would take them a few hours to deliver it to those who pay for it, the same hours in which we will already be inside.

—I don't want him to suffer, I don't want to.

—She is strong just like you, I have to admit that they are the most sustainable and loyal friendship I have ever seen—she caresses my cheek—. They are not going to throw anyone at us, all the towers are standing and I am talking about all of us who are a family. He is also one of ours, love.

—Okay, there are only a few hours left.

"Exactly," he leaves my cheek and then pushes the food he had put aside, "and to enter I need you to eat, feed yourself, fill yourself with energy and concentrate for the remaining hours." These are moves by the Rinaldis, if it were something already planned those posters would have been there a week ago, they just put them up today, believe me.

—You rarely make me doubt, Salvatore.

—And I appreciate that you trust more times, can you trust this too?

—Only if you give me a kiss, I'll eat later.

He shakes his head with some amusement, I can't allow every news, attack or story they tell about everything the Rinaldis have done to affect me. I am worse, days we spend and hours we spend to create a cruel lady and this will not take away the strength I built to reach David.

No sir, if I came here with determination and security, it is with the same that I am going to leave until I recover my loved ones, even if it is giving everything, because until now I have in mind that I will give everything for mine.

—I have something better,principessa.

From his pants pocket he takes out the blue ribbon that I had given him as a symbol of our rite of trust, where we had left everything behind, we had talked and we were going to promise that things were going to change so that the two of us could move forward in this situation that the destiny put us both.

—Do you always have it with you?

—Yes, I always take you with me wherever I go.

—And what will we do with him?

—Look and observe. —He passes the ribbon around my right wrist, ties a knot like a fabric bracelet, and takes the knife to cut the excess piece—. Would you do me the favor of tying that ribbon around my wrist, love?

With so much emotion it is impossible to answer, I take the rest of the ribbon and put it around his thick wrist where he wears an ostentatious gold watch. I tie the knot and then remove the ends that remain, take the lighter out of the pocket to pass the heat against the ends of the knot of our bracelets so that it does not unravel. At the end he joins our hands, takes the back of mine to kiss my skin.

—I will always take you with me, and I have always liked to carry your trust in the bar you gave me.

—It's just a ribbon, Salvatore.

"No,principessa," he denies. That ribbon means a lot to me, if I did this for us it is so that you remember that you also have my trust, that you can always trust me and you will take me wherever you go. I will be with you all the time, my greatest piece of value will always go with you.

—Is your confidence your piece of value?

"Yes, the biggest and most powerful, just like yours," he kisses the corner of my lips. I don't need those bracelets worth thousands of euros when none of them will give me what I have always wanted from a woman, I don't want tits, a nice ass, good eyes or a sensual mouth that knows how to get the money. I want someone to trust, that's why I give you part of my ribbon, my trust just as you gave me yours,princeessa.

Without hesitation I press my lips against his feeling that our hands joined after making those small fabric bracelets burn, the tips of my fingers burn to my wrist where the trust that I would never have with anyone else other than him is consumed.

—Now eat, love, you must have energy.

—Can we eat together? I don't...

—You don't like to eat alone, I already know that, that's why I was going to go get my food.

—Oh, okay.

I don't touch my plate, my eyes follow him until he gets his food which he places next to me. When he spreads the cloth napkin on his lap and takes the cutlery, I do the same so I can eat with him.

One more challenge in my own life was to join the pieces of my puzzle so that everything fit as I wanted, I no longer wanted more doubts, more insecurities and for things to affect me because none of that matters to me when I Emily Fiore can be the most powerful woman in Calabria in a matter of days.
