Page 14 of King of Shadows

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I don't care, I look down at the plate where there is a great variety of fruits, on one side I have the eggs, juice and the medicines again remain near the glass with the orange liquid.

—Did they give you the flowers?


The tension spreads throughout the place, the three brothers eat slowly, trying to remain silent, they gently lower their cutlery so as not to interrupt anything.



"You're unbearable, Emily," Salvatore mumbles. I didn't realize you were actually so damn boring.

—The one you call boring was the one you offered as a whore and you came, do you remember where? —His brothers spit out the coffee—. In my hand, idiot. Don't forget that that's why I'm in this shitty place, because the little guy couldn't control himself and the bored little girl trampled him.

Salvatore drops his fists against the table moving the cutlery and plates, his sister hides her smile and his brothers try to control their cough.

—Dom, put her back in the room, she has refused to eat.

"As if I want your damn leftovers!"

I take the plate and stamp it on him, the brothers are surprised, Salvatore wipes the cloth napkin over his face to get all the food off. He stands up suddenly and grabs my neck to lift me out of the chair.

—You are trying my patience, if you continue like this I prefer to leave you outside and believe me, at night it can be terrible because the soldiers take the time to shoot.

—You kidnapped me, it seems like you just want me to give you something, to listen to you, to bend and end up giving in—I dig my nails into his skin—. I already asked you, what the fuck do you want with me, Bruni?

-Oh shit.

Domenico mutters and looks back at his plate.

—Let's make it clear to you.

He takes my hand and pulls me out of the dining room, I try not to complain about the pain that spreads through my abdomen. We cross from one side to the other, he opens the oak doors to enter the library where there are large armchairs and floor-to-ceiling shelves with history books. He doesn't let me see, he just throws me against the couch and listens to my moan. I put my hand to my abdomen.

—Don't touch me... No.

"Damn you, Emily."

He kneels before me and seeks to lift my dress, I refuse until his palm falls on my leg, the click resonates and I feel the itch of his blow along my thigh. He pulls up my dress, looks for the beginning of the bandage and begins to uncover me, he carefully removes the bandages, analyzes the wound and calms down when he sees that I am complete.

There is only a little blood surrounding the stitches, in some places the blood is already dried. He puts the gauze back on, wraps the bandages around my abdomen, and pulls down my dress to stand up seconds later.

—You're here because Alessio somehow found out that we saw each other four months ago at my club, his spies are everywhere trying to control every move I make and that's why I brought you. —He turns his back on me, leans his fists on the wall—. Because he was close to you, somehow he thought you were one of my new women and that's why he was on top of you, he got close to Fabian in some way, I found out about all this because he left traces of what he was doing. That's why I sent for you, that's why you're here, because no one can touch you here.

I frown a little trying to find words within its lines, I want to find the thread of its secrets although right now it is so hidden that it is difficult for me to find where to start pulling from.

-And why did you do it? I don't want the same answer, you are saving me and I think it is not necessary when you have other matters to take care of.

—I have them, but I also have this matter. “It's my fault you…” he exhales, facing me as he turns. You are in danger because I came into your life, you don't have to pay for something that you didn't start, I approached you and spoke to you thinking that I would take all this to a one-night stand,” he smiles. It was nothing like that and Alessio is just watching, now having you out is only an advantage for him to take you and believe me it will be worse than you think. This is the best option.

—If Alessio watches you, hates you and wants to kill me, now he will have more reasons because you have me in your house.

—Here is the only place where he doesn't have spies and can't easily attack unless he wants all his people dead.

—So... I can't go out?

"No, you won't because right now I want your life to be free of threats," he confesses. It was my fault for getting close, so far he's killed five whores with ease, I'm not interested in them, but...
