Page 143 of King of Shadows

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She deserved it, I had reconsidered it a lot and I don't doubt my decisions even less when I look at the sky waiting for a response from mom.

—She will have a different life, I am not him, no longer a mother.

A white butterfly flies minutes later to my position, Cookie continues running to go after the ball that is a little big for her small snout. The butterfly flies in circles above me.

—Yes, she is the one, she is the right one, she is my mafia lady.

I let the butterfly continue to flutter around me while the wind howled near me, letting the cool breeze calm all the intense thoughts I had about it. There was a lot to take care of, that was always clear to me because we only planned to rescue a couple of people, a same mission that failed in half because we couldn't get Alessio out.

That man who I had ruled as my enemy when thanks to him I had managed to carry out several of my games against his own family who had put him in that dungeon under the house. Alessio Rinaldi is marked, he is wounded and he is breaking into pieces without his enemies realizing it because he only showed it to my brothers who tried to save him.

My supposed enemy begged for help until there was a dark presence; his father, the same one who put him in those conditions and they had to retreat before everyone who was in that dungeon died by Massimo Rinaldi.

We will have another chance because until now I have defined who is my ally and who is my enemy. Which means that the next time we face each other face to face, the Marino and the Rinaldi will define everything and know that on our side we already have the lady who dominates our clan.

Not only does the 'Ndrangheta have a lady, now they have a better leader to take this story to the end and the others that come, because I will never let my brothers suffer again, I will make them free, that they enjoy and that they have the same opportunities as me.

I will make sure my brothers also have their favorite person, because I have them.

She has a name, a pretty nice one that I haven't gotten out of my head since I met her at the club.

Now I won't get her out of my thoughts anymore, she is the owner of my life, she is the owner of my body and my empire.


Within the clan there are many celebrations that vary depending on the mafia you belong to, on this occasion the initiation ritual can be different from many rituals seen in other places, since it tries to cover the mythical origin and an honorable family morality to cover up in reality the vulgarity of an association of pimps, extortioners and professional criminals.

At no time have false stories been created regarding the mafia, we are evil and we will be that way until the end of time, until the total destruction of the entire world.

I finish dressing seeing that the sun begins to go down, the clouds gather to touch each other and darken the entire area in which we live. While here we enjoy a ritual at night, on the other side of the world people are just starting their lives to have a productive day. The nights for me are the most productive, that's why I rushed to also witness part of the sunset.

When I get to the patio I notice the table with the red tablecloth where the Godfather is prostrate with the custom-made Italian suit that fits him well, my shoes hit the grass and I see my brothers. Domenico has Cookie, who was put in a red dress with two bows on her ears. Leone, on the other hand, carries her daughter who is wearing a white dress, two fluffy bows in her hair and an angelic smile.

—Is Godfather ready?

—Yes, my son, I can see the candidate since everything is in perfect condition.

—Okay, give me a few minutes.

I go back the way I came to see that Ginevra is approaching with my wife who is trying not to fall with her heels, I approach her letting my sister go ahead. The bodyguards also gather, my strongest guard lining up in front to witness each part of the ritual.

-Have you studied?

—Yes, I hope I don't screw up because if I become your lady, I don't want to be a disgraceful lady.

—You won't be, don't worry.

We get to the table where the Godfather asks for my girl's hand to kiss her, he leaves and sees each of the men present here and women standing well to continue what he had been waiting for so long. She is worthy of being named for what was always hers since she set foot in this house.

—Today we are present before the Sun and the Moon, those two parts of our daily life that will witness everything that is going to happen between us —the Godfather raises his hands towards the sky—. Not only will we have a welcome to the family, we will have a baptism and a one-woman oath of membership. The wife of our Don, your Don, who is always at the top of heaven receiving the peace of the Lord, receiving the tranquility and shelter of his wife, receiving the support and hand of each of his brothers and his men.

I keep my hand intertwined with Emily's, I detail each part of her lightly made-up face, I record each of her features feeling hopelessly enchanted...

—That is why before you, we will listen to the dialogue of our new clan member.

Emily clears her throat so she can bring her right hand to her chest.

“Precisely this afternoon, in the silence of the night and under the light of the stars and the splendor of the moon, I form the chain,” he recites each word with a force that burns, that bends you in seconds. In the name of Garibaldi, Mazzini and La Marmora, with words of humility I sign the holy society.
