Page 156 of King of Shadows

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"As you order, Miss Fiore."

I rub my hands together and then detail the diamond rings that never stop shining. When I look out the window there are several families walking through the areas we pass through. Seeing Trixi run, smile and accept the Godfather's cross so that she could be a mafia princess softens my heart, my chest tightens and my eyes fill with water.

Why were there so bad people?

Why would they attack a girl?

It's better not to question myself now because it's the same thing I'll do, here people paid the same way, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. There is no escape and even less from me because I have always been a woman who clarifies matters, answers them, leads and continues with her life to continue improving.

There is no one now to take away my power, it is me and only me managing to reach the top taking the title, let's say, everything. I don't just keep the title of lady who only has in mind showing off her jewelry on the street, no, I want to get into the action and know what my new world, my new life, is all about. No one can prohibit me anymore, no one can come into my life to screw me and make me feel bad because I understood for a long time that that bad period had ended for me.

I'm the new mafia lady and that's more than enough to turn the page.

Had I ever thought about becoming this? No, I never got into my head to think about what I wanted for the future of my life because I was always so absorbed in my problems, in my bad decisions, in my insecurities without realizing that maybe I had been made for something more. The world put someone on my path who would show me how to be powerful, it taught me to believe, it taught me to be strong and it did not limit me because it knew from the first moment that I could become someone strong and great, difficult to bring down.

I decided to change, I decided to take the challenge that would lead me to change my life completely. Until the last minute I assure and accept that I do not regret having made those types of decisions that led me to take everything from Salvatore so that I was the one in charge, the one who pointed out and things were done my way and when I said so. I don't regret having fallen in love with someone like him because he is so different that I like him more every day, a day when I want him more intensely than the last.

We all have the freedom to change our minds, I did it several times and I applaud myself for questioning every move I made because if I had taken the situation lightly I would probably be dead. And it's not like that, I am rising, I am growing and I am proving to myself that I can get everything I want in my own way because I am not a simple human who has to take care of her needs, I am someone who has power, someone who is no longer even the smallest part of what he was before.

The journey becomes long, for some moments I see the island and for others I see the indignity of the houses that are in various neighborhoods that I did not know. I had left my life completely, I had left everything behind and what I see now is very different. I like the Emily that I became, I like to feel powerful, I like to be a leader who was able to control those criminal beasts that according to the world no one contains or stops.

I do, I do control my murderer, my gangster, my man.

The house begins to appear on our radar, there are many trees, the sun is at its peak, it was already two in the afternoon and I really appreciated the views nearby because everything is too colorful. I think it's a beautiful day to put an end to the smiles of different people.

I have my escort stop a few kilometers back, I go down and listen to the laughter of a little girl who keeps chasing one of the butterflies that flutters near her. When I see her I put my hand in my bag, take the gun and think about what I'm about to do.

Trixi was my little girl.

Trixi was our little girl, the princess of the mafia.

Trixi was a girl who had suffered.

Trixi was the daughter of my friend, from Leone.

The two security guards stand behind me, my eyes fill with water because I realize that if I do this I would do the same thing Helena did. I would take one life for another, I would have them pay me the same way; would it be wrong? In every way it is wrong, but no one will be able to get the image out of my head.

That little girl was shot five times, her little body was bloodied while we all cried for her because she didn't deserve to be part of a battle that wasn't hers.

Would it be worse than her?

Would it be the same as her?

Would I be becoming the same?

Yes Yes Yes. However, none of that matters to me because I learned that things will always be done the wrong way when people don't want to face you out of fear. They must always screw you where it hurts the most because it is the only way to weaken you, and of course, one thinks that doing the same would be sinning because we can talk about this as civilized people. Too bad, we are in the world of the mafia where I have learned that speaking is the last thing you should do, because words can be carried away by the wind and actions, acts will always be indelible.

—Do you want me to do it, miss?

Tamara speaks close to my ear, I am far away, but with the gun burning in the palm of my hand.

—Is Fabian here too?

"Yes, when we return home it is important to give the Don the warning," Guillermo informs sternly. It is important that you know about the death you are about to commit and that Fabian is here, we do not doubt that they will make any possible move because those two brothers know you very well. If your heart is tempted, remember that things will get worse because they will only seek to hurt you,” he declares confidently. They will show no mercy for you, Miss Fiore.

—I know, I know very well, they have never had mercy on me since they met me.

Humiliation, mistreatment and even criticism of my body from that fucking family is the only thing I got from being with Fabian. They were never good to me, they never had mercy on me even though I was good to all of them. Maybe that's why they hated me, because I was good, because they couldn't completely destroy me—not to mention that I cried out of their sight—nobody reached out to me when I needed them because they always wanted to hurt me.
