Page 167 of King of Shadows

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I stayed with Guillermo and Nadia, who return with new news after doing several searches throughout the area. They frequented the places where Fabian went, they investigated his movements and when I see him coming I don't feel like they bring good news. We spent about two or three hours making plans to attack, they stayed here and we know that Alessio is with Massimo in Apulia. There will be time to return and attack the father who must fall as soon as possible, until this moment I am quite surprised that he has not moved a single finger.

My brothers and I stayed in the operating room where most of the movements are done. I don't know much about Emily, but I won't lie and say that what I did, what I said, and what she said back didn't hurt me. I felt like she meant it, which I fear because right now I find myself so fucking in love with her that it will be difficult to get her out of my head. The only solution would be death and I bet everything that I will continue to carry it in my head even when I am wandering through hell.

—Sir, Fabian's sister committed suicide this morning, but this morning some gossip spread that we didn't know if it was true because it had no coherence," Guillermo reports. Massimo Rinaldi had left his residence, he had escaped, we did not believe him capable because we see it as illogical for him to escape from his own place, from Alessio that he supported so much.

—And what happens with this market news?

“It's true,” Nadia intervenes with a firm voice. They gave him away as a fugitive, he came to Calabria and we don't know if he met Fabian, what we know is that two hours ago Emily, David and Lorenzo boarded the plane, the same one that...

Even my brothers stop doing their thing to pay attention, I cross my arms over my chest.

—Same as what?

"They had a terrorist attack," Guillermo saves her, my blood freezes in seconds. Apparently they registered the plane tickets with the false names that those three had, they finished checking when they boarded the plane and manipulated it. It's been an hour since the plane Miss Fiore was on crashed, it exploded because of a bomb.


I feel right now that my heart is beating in my throat, it's about to fly to the ground.

“It was most likely their move,” Nadia says without looking me in the eye. Massimo escapes from his own home, they come to Calabria, Fabian does not move from his house for a whole day, the sister dies and the plane is hijacked, thus resulting in a terrorist attack that caused the plane to explode into pieces in the waters of Calabria.

—Have the rescue teams arrived yet? —Leone inquires—. Are you already in the area?

"Yes, my lord," Guillermo answers. The news was given to us a little later, because the news had not been given yet, they had to corroborate the events for the note to be made. It's already on television.

I grab my jacket immediately, Ginevra stands up suddenly.

"Call Adan, we will have to take the bodies to the general hospital and he will be in charge of caring for mine," I demand. I want to get to the place right now, no more delays, I must know where Emily fell and have her taken to the hospital immediately. Ginevra, send for acquaintances at the blood bank, prepare everything if necessary. Leone and Domenico come with me.

They don't say more, we all get going, I go to my office to arm myself with weapons that I will carry on my body and Leone is in charge of talking to our acquaintances.

"I don't care that that area is surrounded by the Calabrian police, you go in and look for it," he says, annoyed. I need Emily Fiore, Lorenzo and David Bianco.

When we are ready we run, Ginevra is also on calls taking out Emily's file that I left in my spite with all her information. I don't say goodbye, I run out and push Guillermo aside.

—Let Tamara and Fran go back, you go capture Fabian, that bastard is going to pay me.

-Yes my lord.

Domenico snatches the keys from me, gets into the truck and it's my turn to go behind with my brother. Nadia goes ahead commanding all the other guards we have. I feel a cold sweat that burns my entire back, I hear my heart pounding in different places: on my neck, my ears, my throat.

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of losing her.

I cling to other types of positive ideas since I don't want to ruin everything because of my pessimism. I rub my temples, I close my eyes and it's impossible because if that plane exploded with her inside I'm finished. I thought that taking her out of the country would be better, and I didn't realize that all the possibilities could come true.

If my escort did not tell me about Massimo I understand why, a person who is in his territory and he being the one who orders Alessio is completely illogical for him to leave to escape, being in his kingdom, in its high walls, it was a point It is illogical that he fled. And he knew how to play well because I was focused on getting Emily out of this place, I was focused on making her fly out of my area so they wouldn't do anything to her and I never paid attention to what my enemies were doing, I didn't think about it.

Did she perhaps sense it? I don't know, at first she seemed too focused and I understood why she should leave, but then she begged me, she cried and in those words hanging by a thread full of pain she made it clear to me that she didn't want to leave. I only had the idea of losing her in my head, I had to avoid it and I thought it was just part of a whim to stay. I understand that I was affected by everything that had happened, however, I was being firm with my ideas because I thought I already knew my enemies.

I was an idiot.

The collapse was near the island, large pieces of the plane flew towards each other, destroying houses and setting fire to premises that were near the edges of the island. The trucks are getting closer, the areas are cordoned off and there are rescue boats where they begin to bring the lifeless bodies and some still alive.
