Page 172 of King of Shadows

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He starts laughing, this time no one, not even myself, stops, I slap him several times that make him spit. Again and again I turn his face until he begins to bleed from some areas, my knuckles open from such blows that I kept giving him.

—That was your fault, because mommy's little boy doesn't know how to accept that they have screwed him up, that they have changed him for something better and even worse, that they keep her like a princess knowing that you wanted to be the king of the house, of his life. and the world that revolved around her—she held her chin tightly—. Don't come to me with stupid manipulations that I was taught to manipulate since I was a child so that I would end up getting what I wanted without having to offend others. It's so hard for you to accept that you're weak, that you're a small dick with small balls when Emily Marino even surpasses you because of the tremendous ovaries she loads.

I give him one last slap that turns his face, it was time to reach this point in life where his pleas came for us to stop everything we were doing to him.

It's a shame, nothing stops us anymore.

—Do you know what each person's mania is when it comes to torturing?

—As if that scared me Salvatore.

—Well, I think we did, we scared you since you were marked with our initials —as a group we burst out laughing—. Because you never sought revenge again, you always focused on Emily, believing she was the weakest, but you never showed face to us who had been the ones who had marked you as a fucking cow, asshole.

The four of us surround the chair where he is, we see the things that are on the table and we have a lot of fun seeing how he tries to disguise everything that happens to him, everything he feels and tries to hide the fear he has of us.

"I like to silence people," I let him know. What do you like Leone?

—I like to inject substances into people's bodies.

—Do you, Dom?

—Cut off body parts.

—And you, Ginevra?

—Bleed people dry, without killing them, just making them suffer while they lose blood.

I stand behind Fabian holding his shoulders with my hands.

—Have a great time, because our prisoners are only useful for torture.

—Is that what Emily said to you that you have to lie to her all the time?

—Oh not at all, I have to admit that at first I wanted to see her as a prey —I express without fear—. Shortly after I realized that it was impossible, I made her my friend, then my girlfriend, then my fiancée and then I made her my future wife and mother of my next heir. Something that you will never be able to have, especially now Fabian, you will end up dead like your sister - I start laughing -. How about the Soraya theme? Did they cry for her like we did for Trixi?

He doesn't say anything, when I move away from his back I see him spitting pure poison from his eyes and Leone is the first to prepare a syringe with acid. She approaches him with cold determination, lets the first drops fall on the wood of the floor, and leans over him.

"Although the problem is not with Alessio, I am very aware that you Rinaldis took a wife and two daughters from me," he murmurs. I will never forget, I will never forget how both girls were bleeding to death in my arms and this time I am going to really enjoy watching you bleed to death and beg for mercy so that we all stop.

He doesn't let him speak because he immediately looks for the veins on his hands, discharges the liquid, fills it again but this time with oil and injects it into the veins with an aggressiveness that makes Fabian bleed. He tries not to complain, however, Gin is already ready to plunge the knife into the inside of his thighs. He tears his pants, undresses him and inserts the knife into his skin to draw a long line that reaches the beginning of his knees.

—Second by second, you're going to lose more blood, but you're not going to die until we finish you.

Ginevra smears her fingers with blood, details her long nails covered in that crimson liquid and leaves to make way for Domenico who is playing with his knife, which he does not lend to anyone nor does he let anyone touch it. Fabian begins to cry, he does not face us, he remains with his face lowered so that we do not see the suffering that runs through his entire face.

Domenico bends down to cut off his underwear, he is upset by my brother's improper contact.

—What are you afraid of? You were very willing to support the ideas of your boss, Alessio, who was falsely prostituting Emily, but he was going to prostitute David. A man who had nothing to do with it, you were enjoying it, even told us about the great humiliation he caused you while you were in Apulia —my brother laughs—. At this point I think that even he was stronger than you.

—You don't know anything, they're going to pay for it!

"Don't take up our time," he says sternly . Because when we finish with you I assure you that we have more important things to do with Massimo, we already caught him.

-You lie.

"Go and see for yourself," he mocks, "I'm sorry, you won't because you'll end up dead."

Domenico takes Fabian's member between his fingers, looks at me and I make him wait because there are some last words that I must share.
