Page 177 of King of Shadows

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Because no, they would never take away the memories I had with the people who were always there for me.


The next day, after feeling so tired, I receive the other three, who fill my room with flowers, they fill me with hugs and I see that Tamara arrives with Cookie in her arms, I cuddle her, making her get quite excited and I listen to what they say. others have to say.

“Massimo apparently managed to escape,” Leone reports. Which means that we must go after Alessio, the hospital is short of guards because we kept him kidnapped for two whole days, it was time to lower the restrictions.

—And what will they do with Alessio? I doubt he'll be here, considering everything that happened and if he finds out about Fabian I assure you he won't set foot here.

"Principessa won't," Salvatore sits next to me, intertwining his fingers with mine. That is why we must return you home so that you are safe, due to your condition it is best to go out ourselves to attack Alessio. It will take him a while to process the fact that Massimo is very far from his radar and that Fabian has already left the play, that would help a lot to take him under the radar. On the other hand, we must leave you at home to recover, the usual escort will take care of you while we take the others to Apulia.

—Is that the best solution?

I ask without any desire to insist again on staying together, it is very clear to me that things with the Rinaldis could get worse after all this that just happened.

—It is, I don't want to put you in any more danger Emily, it was enough for you.

—Okay, I understand.

Domenico intervenes with his arms crossed over his chest.

—Which means that we will go out for a couple of hours to prepare the house, we must reinforce the security systems and make a couple of moves so that the house is quite safe for you Emily —I shake my head taking all her points into account— . The escort will stay with you, you have to be quick because even if we take you out before you are discharged, Adan will continue to come to the house to check on you, we won't take long.

"Maybe three days or a week," her sister adds. With all this we must continue attacking, we cannot stop until we kill Alessio. We will not leave today, we will stay another day all together so that nothing comes as a surprise.

—You can go now, if you leave me safely enough and in a house where they are unlikely to intervene, I am aware that I can survive —I let them know. You know that bastard, no matter how much I want to be a lady, I need a lot of experience and it's better that you get ahead of yourself before things get worse.

“We will do that as we had already planned,” says Salvatore. Today we will take you out of the hospital, you will be at home with us until tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow we will be going to Apulia to make our final move. We must also be patient, we do not have to alter everything.

—Okay, do it as best suits us.

They take seats where they can to continue talking about what has happened these days, it is true that Leone is the most affected, Domenico loosens up more when talking and makes jokes, in the case of Ginevra everything remains the same, the difference is that he seems happier for having that union with his brothers.

When the time comes I have to say goodbye to them because they have to prepare the house, the bodyguards stay outside the room, Salvatore is the last one who stays until the end, he rests his hand against my pillow and kisses my forehead.

— Salvatore, what I said when I left the house was not true, I was scared, I was not feeling well despite understanding your reasons and having promised that I would keep my promise.

—I know, I knew you didn't mean it entirely.

-I'm sorry.

-No problem. —He walks away and I see him take something out of his pocket, a new blue ribbon appears on my radar, mine was no longer on my wrist—. I asked Ginevra for a ribbon, she gave it to me so I can make you another bracelet because you deserve a new one.

He extends my arm so that he can make the bracelet on my wrist, he knots the ends, cuts them and runs his lighter over the ends to prevent the threads from starting to run.

—You tasted like a cigarette, you can't lie to me.

"I was too stressed, love, it was necessary," he caresses the palm of my hand. I need to go home to get ready, fix the room and order the service for when you get there, okay?

—Don't smoke anymore, okay?

-I promise.

—Okay, I'll see you at home.

His lips seal with mine for a few minutes, I caress his cheek and then I see him disappear through the bedroom door. I was left thinking about everything that had happened, trying to block out thoughts about Massimo, David and Lorenzo. Solitude gives me the calm I needed after waking up, I was in Salvatore's arms for a long time and now it's time to put my affairs in order so that the memories don't torment me when I get home.

Tamara comes into my room to bring me some sweets that I don't hesitate to try.
