Page 179 of King of Shadows

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I kick, scratch them and fall from the chair when they take me out to another side that I don't know. There are people dressed in black attacking my escort, those who were dispersed in the hospital detect the strange movements of another enemy side, they lift me off the ground to drag me and that's when I scream.

A man comes out the door where the nurses took me, the doctor also joins him and the man stops my screams by hitting me with the handle of the gun. I had already seen him, I review faces, I review everything I had seen in Apulia and I remember that face of a person who was escorting Alessio when he had already reached us from behind.

—You are from Alessio!

—Whether I like it or not, I am and you will leave here with me by orders of my boss.

—No, leave me, Tamara!! —I scream again—. William!!

—Silence, we'll get out of here!!

He hits me again with the gun on the wound in my head, takes me in his arms to put me on his shoulders like a sack and starts shooting at those men who are trying to save me.

I can't clearly see where we are going, some nurses fall, Tamara runs away trying to reach me but the man holding me turns around to burst a bullet into her head. His body falls against the ground, I cry, but there is no way to scream anymore because I am getting dizzy.

They put me in a van, a trembling nurse next to me injects me with something that makes me scream from the puncture.

-Let's go!!

Everything moves, my eyes begin to close and I think of him who was ready to take me home, I needed to prepare everything and I can't always think that we will have each blow calculated because this is a war and within the hospital itself they sold out.

—Treat her, the boss plans to help her.

I listen in the distance.

Adam was not attending to anyone.

I was in the operating room.

I can't think of anything else, I just feel like they're taking me away, so far from their arms that it hurts, everything hurts now.

I'm tired.


A pain spreads throughout my body, making me wake up. I move between the sheets thinking that I am at home. However, the moment I stretch my arms I realize that there is something different, something that doesn't fit me because the memories come to me. my mind in a rush that reminds me of the hospital and Salvatore .

He would be here if I were home; When I open my eyes and get up I see that I am in a room with windows that have bars on the outside, there are two single beds, one is occupied by me and the other is occupied by a man who has cuts, marks and scars everywhere.

—Don't make noise, they will come to get information from you and torture you.

-Are ... ? —He shakes his head, nodding—. Alessio?

“They took me out since Massimo left the residence to have more freedom,” he exhales. Alessio wants me on his side, things are getting worse with you, right?

—They blew up a plane—I see my robe—that's why I was coming from a hospital and a man hit me to bring me there.

—I see, that's my man, Marcelo has always had respect for me no matter how much I work for Alessio, I just had to pretend to the other men that they could gossip with my cousin —he leans his head against the wall—. What is Salvatore doing?

I sit on the edge of the bed leaning my hands against my thighs, despite all the mess on his skin I admire his wide Machiavellian smile, his wide eyes with thick eyelashes and bushy eyebrows the same tone as his hair. A black as dark as the night.

"They were all going to come so they could attack, they took care of Fabian, Massimo fled," he frowns in confusion. Most likely they are already here, am I in Apulia?

-If these.

—Well, they won't be long in coming, Alessio is our final prey.

His smile spreads and he plays with the toothpick, licks his lips and then rolls over in bed and sits up to face me.
