Page 182 of King of Shadows

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-Let's move.

We get in lines to be able to attack, I send more than five of them to the ground, others ran out of ammunition and it's time to go with a clean blow with our hands. I don't care, as long as we win and I get Emily out of this pigsty I'm more than willing to break my bones if necessary.

"Sir," Guillermo arrives at my side when I snap a man's neck. Ginevra and Leone are getting closer, they finished off the rats on their sides.

—And Dom?

—Without communicating.


—It hasn't been seen, what did the lady tell you?

—That I was going to go down for a moment. —One pounces on me, I unholster one of the knives and bury it directly in his throat, letting the blood flow through my hands—. What I don't want is for him to touch Emily for any reason, so we have to be careful.

—I keep that in mind, Don.

We return to the fight where my fists and the cuffs of my shirt are smeared with blood, I don't stop when it comes to killing, I break bones, break pieces of bodies and hear the detonations in the rear. Nadia is the one who communicates.

—More men are arriving from behind, we have already blocked their path, they can continue.

I continue collapsing specimens that fall on the ground that is covered in the crimson liquid that keeps more than one of us alive. We go up the grand stairs when Ginevra and Leone join us, I replenish the ammunition in my submachine gun and hope that Domenico comes up as soon as possible because he hasn't said a single word because of the devices we have to communicate.

On the first floor of the great mansion there are more men who come out in droves to kill us, as a group we annihilate them since it is easier if we divide up. I recharge, I recover and I occupy my hands when necessary because what these people only want to do is prevent us from passing.

I don't know at what point people become less, we are all covered in blood and when we see each other, the sweat spreads over various parts of our bodies until Domenico arrives with a tourniquet on his arm and Fran on one side.

-What happened?

—A bastard who wanted to kill me, I'm fine now.

The plant remains silent with lots of piles of beings that no longer have the ability to breathe, some are my men, but the strongest of us remain. In silence we advance to search through various areas and prevent them from reaching us from behind. There are open rooms, bathrooms with doors wide open, and many more rooms that have no trace of life. We go through the corridors again to go up to the second floor, we go in silence because there is no longer a sign of people who want to kill us.

On the other hand, my men are in charge of aiming for the ground floors if they arrive there.


Alessio's voice spreads with singular cruelty throughout the room, I can't distinguish very well which side he is coming from, but we divide up so we can monopolize any area.

—Where are you bastard?

The silence caused by the lack of personnel means that the echo manages to spread through every corner of this large residence. I hope that at some point if Alessio returns to the ring he will make a total change to this place because you can only notice that his father Massimo and his cousin Alessio live in this place. There is nothing now that represents the great Don of the Crown, there is nothing of power here but savagery and betrayal on the part of his own family.

His laughter echoes everywhere, my brothers move on one side and I on the other.

"Give me face and let's end this as it deserves, a dignified war where you or I will have to die," I say, quite annoyed, letting the anger unload. Don't be a coward, since we took people away from you you know that you have everything to lose because your great shields were Fabian and Massimo, who are already dead.

—I don't think so about Massimo, he's having a great time with his whores.

—Give me your damn face .

A couple of seconds keep me quite alert until I hear a moan and among the rays of light that come through from a stained glass window I see that Alessio arrives with a gun in his hands, he hits my sister with his tail and she falls to the ground and we start shooting. . We go against the walls, columns or even some furniture so that their bullets do not harm us.

He also hides, grabbing Gin by the trailing hair so he can get his weapon that flew away, however, Alessio crushes his hand with his foot and it stays.

I leave without owe or fear, my two brothers and my bodyguard protect me by releasing volleys of bullets. I drop my gun on the ground, I arrive and throw one of the many sculptures that was resting on a piece of furniture, it bursts, exposing Alessio, I lunge at him, taking him to the ground, I snatch the gun from him, throwing it at Ginevra and the bullets stop because They can't shoot him if I'm on top of him.

I crush him with my fists, I take the air away from him by hitting his chest and I don't stop hurting him, forcing him to bleed.
