Page 186 of King of Shadows

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They take his blood pressure and Adan does other necessary tests, he gives us a period of one week to see if there are improvements or he would have to do pulmonary rehabilitation so that his lungs can work as before.

I stay with her at all times, I hug her and we let Cookie sleep in the bed, listening to her breathing with difficulty immediately tenses me up, however, she relaxes me by passing her hand over my chest.

"Since Leone is gone and your brothers will be resting," he murmurs softly, "can we travel to a beach outside of Calabria?"

—After your lungs improve, yes.

—With Cookie?

—With Cookie.

Rest on my chest.

—Rest with me, you need it too.

—I'm quite worried about you Emily, I don't matter now, I care about you and that you can get out of this bed without having to drag an oxygen tank.

—I'm going to get better, don't worry.

—I try to be.

In short , my concern is evident, it rises a little higher to reach my lips.

—Take out my lip cream, it must be horrible to kiss the lips of a dead person.

"Don't talk nonsense," I start laughing. They can be broken, bleeding, dirty and I'm still going to kiss them.

Taking his chin I directed his mouth towards mine, it was true that they had a light rough layer due to scars and dryness. However, I kiss her quickly, melting into her lips, listening to her gasp when I suck on her skin so I can cover it in saliva and make it a little moist. When I stand up she tells me where I can get her lip cream, which is a light balm.

I lie down next to him again.

"Lift those lips, woman."

—Then you have to kiss me to tell me what flavor my balm is, okay? —I'm about to check the label, but he smacks me. Don't see it, that would be cheating.

—Okay, then stop me.

I apply the lipstick to moisturize them, she makes several movements with her mouth until she urges me to kiss her. I suck his lips, I bite them, I taste them as if they were the tastiest delicacy I have ever tasted in my life.

—What do they taste like?

—Coconut with a little chocolate.

—Exactly, that's what it is.

I see the label of the bar and indeed I was not wrong, this time without hesitation I spread it on my lips to make her try them. He bites me, sucks and even tastes my tongue with great desire.

—I am addicted to your kisses, Salvatore Marino.

—And I thank your beautiful smiles, Emily Marino.

—I like that last name, I always have.

—And now it's all yours, principessa.

-You are my life, Love.

—And you mine, Emily.
