Page 190 of King of Shadows

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"Come on, it's been a while since I had fun with anyone," I pull his hand as he lies down on the beach chair with zero intentions of touching the sand or the water. I haven't had such a good time with someone in a while and after everything that happened I want our happy memories to start building.

—I told you I didn't know how to have fun.

—Well, I'll teach you.

I manage to get it out by leaving the phone on the table, letting the sand seep into my feet and enjoying the smell of salt. When I sit on the lumpy layer I make it copy my movements, I take my sand and I manage to make a completely disfigured tower.

-Do not tell me that...

-Yeah! There's nothing wrong with it, I rarely went out with my parents and when we went out with Maxim they always paid attention to her - I sigh, leaving the painful feelings aside because that will begin to be forgotten -. I already forgave them, when I was in bed looking at the ceiling I did it because I realized that I was not going to spend my entire life hating a part of my past. Now I have you, I have my family, I have a house and a dog that I always want. That makes me happy.

-I like that you are happy.

"Everyone should be in their own way." I tie my hair with a rubber band. We cannot stagnate, everyone deserves to be happy in their own way and this does not indicate that to be happy you need to have a good relationship with your parents, no, there are families that do not work very well. My new family is different and I like that, don't you, love?

-I love it.

His look, between lascivious and full of love, penetrates me, I know he admires how I shape the sand with my hands, I don't stop because I was very excited to finally leave the house.

—I always wanted to build a castle, although I wasn't going to ask you to buy me a bucket of toddlers because you were going to make fun of me.

—It's never too late to do what you always wanted.

—I still want to continue being a teacher, it's a dream, maybe silly.

"No, it's not," he caresses my thigh, I'm sitting on my heels with my knees wedged in the sand. Do you want to make that sand castle?

—That's what I'm trying to do, but I'm not making any progress with your gossip!

I stick my tongue out at him, he gets up but not before leaving a kiss on my cheek and bends down to bite my buttock, I jump, it's late when I want to hit him on the head.

-Do not go!

-Already left.

—Because of you we will never be a perfect couple!

It offends me so much that I even raise my middle finger, I turn around to continue forming my piles that are falling into pieces, I rub the back of my hand over my forehead and I only do all this to wait for the sun cream to soak in. good on my skin because if I take a dip everything will go away in the water. I continue with my towers that look like an architect vomited them, I dig and dig until Salvatore returns after a few minutes with a rather old bucket.

—This house was sold to me for family use, you know, wife and children. Included in the sale came this small bucket with cutters, molds and a plastic scoop, I didn't throw it away and I don't know why.

—Because destiny knew it was for me.

—Well, then let's make that castle for the principessa of Calabria.

—So... you'll do it with me?

—Aha, if you allow me.

—Okay, let's throw this out and start with a new castle in what the cream does its effect on our body.

I throw away the poorly made towers, take out the bucket and all its toys so I can start, and make him help me. It was our castle after all. In my dreams as a child I had always dreamed of one, perhaps my past, which I am already considering leaving behind, would have wanted to be treated like a princess. Not those who need to be treated delicately, those princesses who are warriors; It was just what Trixi saw in me.

I don't get carried away by my thoughts because I know that I will end up missing those people who were taken from me, from one moment to the next we are already standing making taller towers and profiling some sides to make doors and windows, things that he takes care of. I make towers, roofs and stairs that spiral to the ground, when I finish Salvatore hands me my drink, a new one that is pink, has lavender and ice in the shape of stars.

—They made them!

—I had them made, we already spent more than an hour doing this.
