Page 20 of King of Shadows

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—What are those things you like to do in your free time?

—Reading, watching movies, eating ice cream or going to visit various restaurants of all kinds, I quite like food—I comment happily. You?

—Kill, fuck, sell drugs and just that.

—It's a waste of time, Salvatore.

-I know.

We both finish the conversation and I look back at the window, I record the road, I make out the narrow streets through which the trucks begin to move. For some reason it was a roller coaster right now, I raised my barriers to the highest level and at other times I lowered them depending on his mood and my mood.

I wasn't giving in to the idea of staying, forgetting about my family, life and my friend, I was just trying to manage my options as best suited and putting up too much resistance right now could screw me up. Not only because of the way he reacts, I am hurt and I must take care of myself if I ever have the opportunity to escape.

The trip is a bit long, my abdomen doesn't hurt much anymore and I am bandaged. Ginevra did a good job with my wound so I can be comfortable today. I'm careful, I don't make a lot of efforts and for that reason I prefer that tonight only my game is played or the points can be blown up in a fit of whatever can happen.

When the vans stop the club appears before my eyes, it is quite large and has the titleSassy. I smile when I get out and continue looking at the gold neon sign, people are not around, there are only the most luxurious and expensive cars possible. Salvatore extends his arm to me, I wrap mine around so we can go inside.

The music explodes inside, the waiters begin their job and that is to offer drinks with the best alcohol and a bag of cocaine. We deny, his brothers take the drinks and leave the bags.

—When we met, unfortunately, you took drugs.

—I haven't done it again.


—Because in business you can never consume what you sell, you can't be one more of the crowd who are addicted to a white powder —he guides me to one of the armchairs—. I've been clean of drugs for four months.

—But you continue to consume alcohol and cigarettes.

"Does it bother you, Emily?"

I shrug my arms, the glass of water arrives at our table and there are many men in tailored suits. They do not approach Salvatore, their escorts lead them away and make them go with Domenico or Leone. I see them work, they move with subtlety, they shake hands and speak with ease that envelops you, makes you believe that this move is the best thing you can do in your life.

In front there is a fairly long rectangular platform, the girls move on the tubes almost naked because they only wear panties and a bra with simple chains where I can see their nipples of different sizes and colors.

—Did you take the medicine before leaving?



Silence returns even though the music is loud, I wander around the entire area looking at each person who is already smiling, laughing, smoking or drinking while they stack the bills against the round glass table in front of them.

—Five minutes until the auction.

We arrived just in time to be able to perceive all this, it doesn't feel good at all, the girls will be auctioned for one night or three days and that makes my stomach turn. I don't criticize her dancing, nor her dressing, I just analyze all the men here and I start to think what it would feel like to be taken by an old man.

It's disgusting.

Few tables remain and they are occupied by women who also have that authoritarian appearance. The music slows down until the Marino brothers take the stage with microphones in hand.

“Good evening to every man and woman who is present with us atSassy,” Domenico speaks. Today is a special night because we have twenty candidates of the best range so that they can put the most money for them. One night or three days, just that or you can come to the auction next month, but remember, buy a little more luck because these beauties fly like hotcakes.

Everyone laughs and Leone also spreads her perfect smile.

—Let's start with the first beauty, are you ready?

Leone asks, raising the public's excitement.
