Page 203 of King of Shadows

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-With me?

—Yes, with you until the end of the world, because I no longer want to be away from you for even a day.

—Neither love, nor me.

I don't know how many minutes we stay in the same position until he takes me to his truck, making Domenico leave in mine, the white front bow fluttering in the breeze that hits against the hood of the car. I leave holding his hand, he admires me at all times and kisses my cheek, which is a little wet.

—Since we have no one to deliver us, we will arrive together and we will leave together.

—We will do that in all aspects of our lives.

—Exactly, we will always arrive and leave together.

Emotions are running high and even more so when I see that the house is already decorated, open to each guest. I go down, letting the train of the dress begin to drag, I put one foot then the other and begin to walk holding his arm. When we get to the back a wedding arch lies buried in the sand, the chairs are white and there are at least a hundred people admiring as the two of us make our entrance .

Although I don't know the associates within the clan, I offer them a warm smile, tightening my fingers on my bouquet of flowers and also on Salvatore's arm. I can't deny the ideas that go through my head, it looks too good, too elegant and I will never in my life be able to get this image out of my head.

The Godfather is in front with the documents on the table and a pen, when we arrive I see Salvatore's two brothers in front of everyone and Alessio on one side, he looks different, he looks renewed and it seems incredible to me that things have happened like this. way to the extent of forming peace on both sides.

The war had already ended a long time ago, I breathe the victory that waves in the air and I see the Godfather who is ready to start the ceremony.

"Welcome everyone to the union of your leaders, welcome to the new kings of the 'Ndrangheta," he sighs excitedly. Let the ceremony begin.

His characteristic accent makes me smile because he was recently joining me in the mafia and today after a few months he already showed me here in front of him to be able to join me in holy matrimony with Salvatore Marino.

It was my moment to enjoy this ceremony until the end, I wasn't such a lover of bachelor parties because there it indicated that you closed off all types of freedom and we had been exclusive for a long time. Knowing that we could touch, see or hear other people near us was not what we wanted, we wanted the moment where we danced, admired each other and professed the cruelest love that could exist between two demons like the two of us.

This was the union of two demons.

The same thing that they were going to protect themselves until the end of time, until death wants to know us.


Who didn't love dances? Because I did, I loved them for the way you could let go without looking back, but the incredible thing about this is that a ring already dominated my finger making it clear that I was no longer Emily Fiore, I was Emily Marino, lady of the 'Ndrangheta and the mistress of Calabria.

Our guests join in a circle on the sand, we had set everything up so that it would happen here and not be a huge transfer to a room full of luxuries. I didn't want them to focus on the money, I wanted them to have fun and see that they were in a marriage of two faithful friends.

Perfectby Ed Sheeran plays over the speakers, I take Salvatore's hand and the train of my dress so he doesn't step on it, he puts a hand against my waist to start moving while the sky lights up with lanterns that are paper balloons. silk that fly, taking more and more height to the movement of the musical notes that make us sway.

"You are the most beautiful woman, Emily," he murmurs, looking me straight in the eyes. You are so valuable that I would not be able to do you any harm because you are my woman to care for, pamper, love and praise every damn minute I spend by your side.

—You're also very handsome, there's a reason I like you and I don't like all homo sapiens sapiens.

He starts laughing causing my cheeks to color.

—You are also my wife to fuck, as many times as I want and however I want until you faint.

—I like it when that happens.

—I will never stop loving you—he gives me a spin on my feet, I give it and end up falling into his chest, which fills me with tranquility. Never, so don't think about escaping anymore because there is no way out since we signed that paper, in fact, there was no way out, there never was one — I frown, amused —. Because I always had a plan to put into practice if you left me because I am the one who needs you to breathe, to live, princeessa.

—I know, you are also that driving force in my life, Salvatore.

I move my body over his, hug him, bringing my hands to his hips and then to his back covered by the soft fabric jacket. I smile from end to end remembering that it has been a long time since I have carried my hand to cover my smiles, I remember that I stopped doubting myself and my beauty a long time ago.

—You are the man that I didn't really dream of, but when he came into my life I realized that he was what I was possibly looking for in life —I confess, making him laugh. You are the man that I now desire day and night and I will never stop doing it, you taught me many things that I will not hesitate to show our little boy or girl because they will be excited to hear this story.

-A little? A small?
