Page 212 of King of Shadows

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He wraps his leg over mine, I inhale the aroma of his hair, which still smells like lavender because his shampoo smells like that. I bury my fingers in the dark strands and stretch so I can brush her long hair, I look at my watch and it's time, however, she stops me for a moment.



—Are you ready for this?

—More than ready, I've wanted it for months, Emily.

"Me too," she smiles excitedly, "let's go."

We both get out of bed, hand in hand we go to the bathroom where she already plans to take the pregnancy tests, she takes two and I take another two to do it at the same time.

—Let's go, if we can.

I encourage him, he smiles and we turn them around, letting the red or blue cross appear in our field of vision. I take the other leftover one and there are five positives that make her jump with joy, she covers her mouth with one hand and lunges against my body. I carry her in my arms, she screams and cries on my neck.

—Well done, love!

-I'm pregnant!

—Yes, you are, principessa.

For the moment and joy, I kiss her neck, peck her everywhere and carry her carrying the tests in one hand to the bed, sit her down and kneel before her to analyze the results again. A sincere and never seen before smile appears on my face, it appears big and natural, she puts a hand on my face to cradle my cheek.

—You make me happy, very happy and even more so with this, Emily.


—Yes, I'm serious and I won't get tired of thanking you for giving me a baby, no matter what it is, I want them both to be healthy and we both enjoy this stage —I caressed her thigh—. This makes me very happy, very much.

—I know, now, not only I will love you.


"No, our baby will also love you a lot, Salvatore," she says with tears in her eyes, they want to bite me too. It's what you deserve, what we deserve and we have to enjoy because this baby is going to love us both too much. We both deserve to create the family we always wanted.

"I know," I put my hand on his that rests on my cheek, "we deserve this and much more." I will make you very happy, principessa.

—We know, love.

—I love you, you and my baby.

—I love you the same, diavolo.

I approach her, letting her cradle my face with both hands, I rest my forehead against hers and then I kiss her, feeling that something makes us connect more than before.

Something makes me explode.

Joy, excitement, happiness and pride collapse in my body making it burst with all those emotions.

I'll have a family.

I will have a baby.

I will be a father.

I Salvatore Marino got everything that dad only wanted me to get with a woman who was about to sell me and send me to jail and no, now I find myself with the woman of my dreams who injected a dose of obsession into me because I have never taken her away no matter how boring I thought it was.
