Page 221 of King of Shadows

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When I feel the discomfort I move quite hard, I manage to hit him in the chest making him complain, I kick him in the crotch and I am close to slapping him in the face but he stops me.

—Emily, you're treating me like a punching bag.


I ask sleepily without opening an eye, he tries to lift me until he succeeds and I have a strange pain in my lower abdomen. Everything is darkened, he turns around grabbing his pillows and makes a barrier between us so I can stop bothering him.

-Good night.

“You lifted me up for nothing,” I complain. I feel exhausted and uncomfortable. I can't settle, hug me, okay?

"No, because you hit me," he huffs angrily , "not even the husband is respected anymore."

—Salvatore, come on, don't be rude to your baby.

—I'm denying it to you, now go to sleep.

I try to reach him and remove that barrier of pillows he made, however, when I run my hands through the sheets I realize that there is a puddle. Without hesitation I put my fingers to my nose because with that urine leak I have I am capable of urinating on myself without realizing it and it is something that happens during pregnancy. It's not urine, it's not, and when I feel on the inside of my thighs I realize that there is also a liquid that spreads until it drips onto the bed.


—I already fell asleep.

I feel the bed again, this time I remove part of the sheets that touch me from the bed.


—Sleep woman, I already said I'm not going to hug you.

I put my hand on my belly, maybe that was the reason for the discomfort and in the midst of fatigue I didn't distinguish the twinges in my lower belly either. I put a hand on my back when one of those contractions reaches my spine.

" Salvatore!"

-That?!! Damn, it's okay, I'm going to hug you - he turns around, but jumps when he sees me holding certain sides of my body -. What happened?

—I didn't realize my water broke, I left the bed soaked and it's starting to hurt.

-Shit. Shit. Shit.

He gets up like a spring, jumps on his feet and runs for the suitcases we had already packed. When we turn on the lights there is indeed a large water mark, he did not feel it because the blows I hit him made him move away from my body and that is why no one noticed the water stain that lay on the fabrics of our bed. I get up as best I can, he hands me cotton underwear and a sports suit that I don't hesitate to wear because it's hurting a lot.

—Come, let's go, I'll help you.

-Give me a second.

He bends over in front of me so he can take the pants and put them over my feet, however, I cling to his shoulders when one more contraction hits my entire body. I squeeze his muscles hard, scream and when I calm down he grabs my ankle to lift it up.

—I'll dress you, calm down.

—God, it's coming and this hurts a lot.

—I know, principessa, give me the other foot.

I extend my ankle for him to put into my sports pants, he pulls them up, leaving them on my hips and before getting up he leaves a kiss on my abdomen. Everything was rosy when we took the photo, we went to the beach and did countless things together while I was pregnant, now nothing is rosy.

He finishes dressing me, takes my hand so he can lead me calmly and I listen to him get the servants up so they can get ready. His brothers also receive the notice, but we leave before them so they can put me in a room that we already paid for and that is all prepared for this moment.
