Page 32 of King of Shadows

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—How will they do it? You are...

—With a knife, do you want that?

Leone asks, still pointing his gun at Fabian and looks everywhere so that they don't come up and realize everything that is happening.

—Yes, well, I'll wait for you downstairs. The festival is over.

—Go with Gin, David is going with us on Salvatore's orders.

I simply turn away from them, the crack of a fist against Fabian's skin reaches my ears. Not even that stops me from walking when I realized something that keeps me ashamed right now.

He continues to influence me by using those types of words that he once used to break me. David is right, he did not deny anything and I know that his intentions were never good because since our relationship he had already been hurting me.

It is easy to say "get out of there" "don't leave" "fight", it is when you don't live it, however, it will never be easy when you live it and you realize that you gave everything to a person who took care of your good intentions, dedication and love to ruin you. When you depend on someone for money, nothing matters, everything is easy, but when you depend on love and feelings, everything becomes more difficult.

I get to Gin, the children leave with their mothers earlier than normal hours and I can see how David stays by his side, most likely he has already received the order.


Trixi comes to me and her grandmother smiles at me very lovingly.

—I made a person happy!

—Who little one?

—Leone Marino!

He shouts it with so much emotion that it short-circuits my head, his grandmother knows them because they have been legends, no matter how much they hide and try to act in the shadows it is impossible because Salvatore made his last name gain more strength in recent months.

"He gave my aunt money to make the ravioli, and he didn't give us just three or four portions," he jumps on his feet. He gave us an entire pot to make that my aunt has unused.


—Yes, today we will go get the tastiest ingredients and the day after tomorrow we will start cooking to bring the food and make him three times as happy.

"We'll be waiting," says Leone, fixing his jacket. It's time to go, Emily.

—I'll see you on Wednesday Leon and Dom!

She runs out with her grandmother who takes her hand to take her home, I walk taking Gin and David's arm so we can leave. The two of them wipe off the blood and when they approach the vans the escorts open the doors of each vehicle for us.

"Clean my knife, sharpen it Guille," Dom asks. To home.

They go separately, the three of us go in the same truck and I feel calmer as we leave the area. I twist my best friend's fingers, feeling a little distressed.

I can't continue being a broken person.

I promised that night that I was going to forget Fabian and that's when I met Salvatore.

I will not do it for someone specifically, I must do this for myself so that the opinions of others do not do anything to me because I am more than those criticisms that they throw without knowing how much they can hurt.

—Did he tell you the usual thing?

—Yes, but I don't care anymore because I told him that I was going to have him killed, he only wants to hurt me along with Alessio, and it won't happen.

"We'll take care of you," Gin says. You're fine with us, you just have to let us do the work.

—No, I have to root this out.
