Page 35 of King of Shadows

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—I don't care about that now, since you two are here —I point to Emily and David—, we must clarify some things that are of utmost importance. Emily is here to protect her, the moment she wants to leave she can do so, and she knows that Alessio is going to kill her the moment she sets foot outside. The family has protected her since I got into her life due to issues of misunderstanding on the part of both of us. —I explain into the air without looking at anyone specific—. When this is all over Emily can go back to her normal life and no one is going to stop her. Now, you must understand that if David is here it is because he is good company that Emily needs and not because he is her best friend means that he will wander around as if nothing had happened, there are rules.

Everyone nods, my brothers already know what this is about when there is a new member joining the clan.

—Trust is the most important link to be able to integrate new members into our cause and although David will not apply to be a soldier, you must follow orders, demands and fulfill your duty by coming to this house —I make it clear—. Emily will continue going to work, there are times when three of us are working and I don't know how she will be left alone. That is why I allow you to return to your work and for that I need you to take the strongest bodyguard that protects all of us. —I turn to see each of my brothers waiting for their confirmation, they accept—. The escort protects Emily and David when they come out, but I need one of you to come out because I'm not going anywhere near them.

I see that Emily is somewhat affected by the response, little by little I am getting to know what affects her and more so because she lets go easily even though her worst nightmare is before her eyes. I can't afford to stay on the same point for five hours, right now I'm behind something that I have to finish this week.

The real chaos is about to be unleashed, I sense it and I must be focused on each of my movements. Every day that passes, every day that I get more involved in this conflict, I realize that Alessio is getting closer, more and more tempted to fall into my traps.

"I offer myself," says Leone. I will be going with her to work and that way I will also make sure the area is taken care of. I am thecriminal boss,it is better for you to leave me if you want to save the two of them.

I think about it a little, I know how she works and although it helps me a lot to plan each of the attacks, I prefer that all that type of torture be saved for when they want to get closer to her.

"Well, then Leone takes charge of Emily's entire guard," he nods gratefully. I want Domenico to take charge of the movement of the clubs, the drugs and the events we have with the prostitutes, on the other hand, Ginevra is your moment of...

"I want to take care of the money," she says ahead. I'm not going to get you anyone, Domenico is very fascinated with manipulating those girls and making them work, he can handle all this.

Domenico snorts and the cruel smile spreads across his face.

"You don't have that much experience in collecting money, collecting money is a skill, it has strategies and you should know about torture because there are bastards who don't want to pay us what they owe," he murmurs, annoyed. You can do everything else, but I don't see the money and collection as convenient. Seeing a woman they are capable of doing something to you so that they don't give you a single pound.

—Dom may be right, Gin—He doesn't like my answer. I want you to be in charge of the entry of the new recruits.

"I said no." He stands up suddenly. Dom and Leone are worried that they will do something to me because I am a woman, but they are not worried that I know how to defend myself and it is something you don't know. “You don't know what I'm capable of, Salvatore,” he emphasizes. Since when do you talk to me about yourself or ask me about myself? In four months we all change, whether you realize it is another thing because even Emily knows it. “I am capable of anything and even triple your numbers,” he assures. Just let me do it.

None of that affects me, I don't doubt, however, the question he asked stays in my head and I end up accepting it, caring little that Emily and David are listening to every word.

It is necessary.

It's part of a test I need to do.

"Okay, Dom, take care of everything that has to do with the girls," I order. And Gin will act as the newbrawlerin the family, depending on how we do this month we will change or improve some activities. OK?

There are no denials from anyone, I look at the two friends who share glances and smile at each other.

"I'm done here, you have time to catch up," I tell Emily. David, you can stay for lunch, then the escort will return you to your house and they will give you the instructions of the protocol that you must follow to come here.

-Thank you.

-Let's go.

My brothers come behind, my steps are silent although I feel that my whole body is heavy because of the infinite number of problems that I could be putting on my shoulder for doing all this. We went up to the first floor, then to the second and went to the huge office with armchairs, a library, a bathroom, a room behind the library that is protected and a large desk with a balcony.

This place is my everything, here was dad four months ago running the 'Ndrangheta without a problem, manipulating heads, breaking necks, breaking bones, passing tons of drugs, selling weapons and also delivering girls to satisfy others.

I'm not going to my black leather chair, no, I have to walk so I don't run out and start hunting and clear my mind of all the shit that happens every second I spend in this life.

—What happened to Fabian?

"He was harassing her, apparently Emily knew how to defend herself and at no time did she betray us, she gave us free rein to attack him," Leone reports. And we just leave the message.

—Cacciate, pedinate, uccidete quelli sbagliati and your death will be very slow. Occhio per occhio, dente per dente, i Marino sono vicini a tutti voi, osservano, notano, e la corona cadrà quando ci troveranno. —Dom recites with a dark voice full of hatred for the plague that persecutes us—. Hunt, stalk, kill the wrong ones and your death will be very slow. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, the Marines are close to all of you, they watch, they realize, and the Crown will fall when they find us.

Repeat again as I always ask you. Before each message or objective we have, we must repeat it twice to be able to put more faith and strength into it. We cannot leave a message halfway.

I click my tongue, I make the power flow throughout my body sending my inner beast to sleep. I have such great desires right now to prepare all my people and simply attack that damned stone residence where the Crown has been based for quite some time.

“We carved our initials into his abdomen and left him lying on the ground,” Leon adds. We made the perfect cut so that it wouldn't bleed out and could carry the message.
