Page 42 of King of Shadows

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—If I tell you all this it is because I am going to be your guard and manager at work, I don't like gossiping people.

—I'm not, I like to find out things, but I don't spread them.

He releases the compressed air on his chest, there is still a long way to go before I get to school and see all my students.

"I'm omitting Dom's thing because you know it, Gin's thing is something different that Salvatore knows," he exhales frustrated, I know that memories are flooding his head. She was little, maybe ten or eleven years old. As you know we were all close at certain times, not always because Dante was working all the time and was so focused on Salvatore so that he knew how to run the Mafia, mom was alone a lot of the time so it was me taking care of my brothers while Salvatore learned to be a good leader.

» Dante was looking for a good man who would wait for Ginevra until she came of age to sell her. I was against that idea, but Salvatore and her had a pretty good relationship, so our father didn't want him to find out or he would be on my side fighting so they wouldn't sell my sister. He chose me to do that job, at first he just made me stupid until he realized he wasn't getting anyone and marked me to learn my lesson. That night was a fight that I couldn't stop, within the codes of the business it is possible and I received double the pain because mom wanted to save me, but she was about to be hit and I avoided it. I accepted my punishment until I told him that there was someone interested and I made the negotiation to sell my sister.

I stand petrified, gasping for the right words until something finally comes out of my mouth.

—And what happened with that sale?

—Dante was convinced that I had managed to find someone, I didn't, I took two tons of coke with Dom's help and we made them disappear; In reality, we sold them so we could get a good sum and make him believe it because one half would be given when the deal was closed and the other when Gin turned eighteen." He takes a breath of air, holds it on his cheeks until he releases it. There is no buyer, she can be happy because Dante is no longer here and I never sold my sister.

-Why do they do that? God, it's too fucked up to do that.

"I know, but within the 'Ndrangheta, when the chief has children, he can sell them, kill them, or even eat them without receiving the appropriate vendetta for attempting against his children's lives without their consent," he explains. It is not a sin for them who have power, however, I refused because the four of us were united even though Salvatore was always involved with Dante to learn what should be learned.

—What did he do to you?

—An entire night while my back burned and I whipped myself so I could learn my lesson of not being a liar, I had to do my job or the next time it would be worse than you could imagine—he turns to look at the window— . That's why I say that I lost my father a long time ago and my mother, well, I don't know what to think of her because there were times when she agreed, other times when she kept quiet and other days when she defended us tooth and nail.

I twist the hem of my dress, feeling a little overwhelmed by all the information he just dumped on me. I can't stop thinking about Gin being sold in the next year only to end up being taken by another man who didn't belong to her.

—Maybe I was so immersed in your father's domination, when they impose and make a whole world of colors on us, it is difficult to create your own life outside of the impulses, manipulations and orders of someone like him.

—It was what Fabian did with you, right?

—Yes, and now I try to be different so that I don't continue to believe that I need that type of relationship to feel fulfilled —I confess—. Why didn't you tell Salvatore now that they're gone?

He shakes his head somewhat overwhelmed, takes off his glasses to put them away and look at me with his striking eyes.

—Salvatore is interested in us getting to work, in these four months he didn't ask us how we were doing, he only gave us our orders so we could work and the bastard wants nothing to fail us or he is capable of cutting off our fingers—he snorts—. I don't know who the fuck he became.

“Leone,” I murmur under her name. I think you have a lot of problems to deal with, but power fell into your hands without being ready and I can assure you that what you wanted was for... Salvatore to take care of the emotions of the three of you, in some way, you wanted him to... He fixed them on the issue of grief because they needed that support and he... He was just trying to deal with this.” He furrows his eyebrows a little. I don't justify it, but that's what I noticed.

He runs his hand over his chin, analyzing things.

—And is it so difficult for him to come and tell us that? Emily, we are very screwed, I advise you to run, don't stop because when Salvatore unleashes the obsession on you, you will be finished," she warns. And don't believe her psychologist, it's the worst thing you can do with a person who is damaged inside and out. You better be a piece of furniture.

-Because? If I get along with him, leaving aside the fact that I was shot and he slapped me for talking too much, it doesn't mean that I don't see his good points, they are few and I assure you that I can deal with him because what interests me is that he promises me the same. that fulfilled me.

—It won't, I know what I'm telling you, you better go now.

He just turns around and puts his sunglasses back on. Lorenzo and Nadia look away when I turn to see them. I stay silent for the rest of the journey.

I wasn't being good to Salvatore because I liked him or I was falling in love, this is my game, my pieces and as David said, it was in my best interest to take advantage of the situation because in life I understood that I should earn more than others. If I let them do whatever it takes with me, becoming submissive at their hands, I will be losing; No, I must be smart to know what my damn purpose here is.

Arriving at school I put my bag down and take out the robe to put it on the way, Leone comes behind until we reach the room where the children are excited and I order them to sit down to have order in the room.

Back to my life.

This was the result of knowing how to handle your cards, as I said, it was not convenient for me to scream and try to escape, it was better for me to be calm and show interest in everything they had to give me so that they would give me what I asked for without them conditioning me because I could not I am an animal, I am a woman who wants a normal life and I am going to manage to lead it that way no matter what. Unless I am shown otherwise and realize that I must change my own play.

—Ready to work with the kinetic sand?

-Yeah!! Yeah!!
