Page 44 of King of Shadows

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"The fairy Fiore is the base, I beat you," she says excitedly. You run very slow.

—I bring dress shoes, Trixi.

-Because? “I don't see that you do office work or are the school principal,” he asks with childish innocence. For the other you should bring sports shoes like mine.

He points out the princess shoes that work well enough for him to be able to run, Lorenzo gives Leone his jacket. I have to say that the escorts are serious. Nadia is blonde with blue stones for eyes and medium height, Lorenzo with a beard and a strong, tough profile. Francisco is one of the oldest since he has a goatee dyed white from old age, and he tenses his square jaw whenever he can. Guillermo always wears a ponytail and each hair close to his skull, perfect bushy eyebrows and a beard treated with the same color, intense brown, chocolate.

"Well, Trixi's grandmother brought the food," he informs me seriously, not even a smile. We can retire.

"We should go eat ourselves," David says. It is tradition for us to do so.

"Anyway," she looks for the little girl's hand. Let's go to your grandmother Trixi.

—Oh, my backpack.

He runs out to get into my living room, when he comes out he grabs Leone's hand and we go ahead while they escort us. I see the two black vans, one with Guillermo, Tamara and Francisco inside. The other one just waits for us, the grandmother approaches Trixi who jumps into her arms, Leone is in charge of talking to her.

I see them out of the corner of my eye until the lady rejects the wad of money he gives her, but he bends down to put it in Trixi's backpack, who is very excited about it. When he returns aboard the truck, he does the same and I remain in the middle of the two men who corner me.

—Where do I take them?

Lorenzo asks, looking in the rearview mirror.

—There is a new restaurant with excellent pasta and drinks that we can go to, it's in a nearby town.

"No," Leone intervenes, leaving David silent. Lumier, let them eat there.

"But it's our choice," I say a little angrily. We have to visit restaurants on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. And it's our betrayal, so you take us to the restaurant David just pointed out.

"I said no," Leon refutes through clenched teeth. We cannot risk stopping in a place where they can kill you in a matter of seconds, we have the restaurant chain that belongs to Domenico, and let it be clear to both of them that if this is a tradition then they will only be able to choose from the restaurants that are our.

"It's okay, Emily," David holds my arm. The point is to eat.

—Okay, I'll figure it out later.

I know that Lumier is a luxury restaurant, I didn't know it was Domenico's, but it doesn't impress me because with the amount of money they handle they must make it disappear, how? I don't know, they just do it. Lorenzo takes us to the supposed restaurant, which is a tower and has protruding extensions.

It is said that from afar you can see a candelabra like the one in Beauty and the Beast flying. I go down without further ado, my looks are not the best and David realizes this by making us step back when the entrance is before us.

—Weren't they hungry?

"We come from working with children," I answer arrogantly. This is not the best way to go to this type of place, and look, there is a place on that other corner, we can eat better there.

"Don't even think about it," Leone intervenes, I bump into his chest. Inside, go.

—Don't order me, I want that position.

—And I told you no, go in unless you want me to force you in.

-It is a challenge? —I look at him frowning—. Well catch me because I'm not eating there!

I push him without further ado, David bursts out laughing and I'm not one for delays, I take his hand to push the others. When they are about to take me, I do everything to get out of their hands who want to take me by force to a restaurant where I am not interested in eating, apart from the fact that they will make fun of me.

-Do not stop!

—This is incredible Emily!

We both run, we avoid people, I turn and see that Leone is coming behind along with Guille and Lorenzo who are running trying not to knock people over. At the street crossing I almost crashed into a bicycle, I apologize, however, I manage to get to the other street and continue running.
