Page 51 of King of Shadows

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On impulse I get closer until I make my lips collide with his, I close my eyes and enjoy the texture of his wet lips, he moves a little allowing me to kiss him deeper, but I do it softly, I'm not interested in latching on to him as if it were the only important thing in life. No, I'm interested in feeling vulnerable.

—If I'm here it's for my safety and today afternoon I told myself that I was going to play my own games to take advantage of this situation, however, after this I want to tell you that if you wouldn't force me to do anything, I don't have to. fear or escape,” I clarify. And whatever I have to learn I will do it, whether it is good or bad because that is what people are for, to learn something from them. I don't refuse, I don't close myself, I take whatever happens being with you.

He raises his hand again so he can put it between my neck, caresses my chin using his thumb. Our eyes connect, I smile a little, showing my teeth, and he smiles back.

—Never lower your head for anyone, Emily Fiore, for anyone, ever.

—Never let your work and your past consume you Salvatore Marino, experiment and evolve, always.

—Do you know how much I want to be kissing your mouth right now?

—No, but I think it's not enough because I don't see you doing it.

"I'll leave them red and swollen," he says mockingly. Will you say?

—I want you to kiss me all night, that's the challenge for both of us tonight.

Salvatore pushes me, placing a hand against my neck so he can make me lie down against the comfortable surface. I look at him, or rather, I admire him, taking the desired height until he shortens the distance.

—Only by having your leg screwed can you save yourself, or I would be on top of you taking all the air out of your lungs.

—I assure you that it will be my first time kissing a cruel person.

—It will be a cruel kissing session,principessa.

He turns and pats his body to make it go up, I do it until I lean down so I can taste his mouth. I smile against his lips as I feel the sweet taste of chocolate, he continues wandering, with his fingers in my hair he pulls until I start to pant.

I'm not going to lie, it's impossible to do that when he provokes me the way I've always longed to be provoked. The cruel kissing session as he called them is biting, licking, sometimes I suck his tongue, he sucks mine, he rubs his teeth against my lips, he pinches my lips and the blood flows until he receives it in his mouth.

—Sei deliziosa come immaginavo, princessa.

—E tu sei malvagio come desideravo che fossi, diavolo.

I kiss her jaw, delicate, soft and leaving a little saliva against it, she pulls my hair several times, harder when I bite her chin with the intention of possessing her mouth again.

"Don't stop kissing me, Emily," he demands, affected. It feels damn good.

—I told you that you were a bad kisser, I am a good kisser.

"Principessa," he exhales when I kiss him, "let me rub that amazing ass."

—Do it as if it were a gift, a precious heirloom.

—Delicate and hard at the same time, I understand.

When I snatch a kiss from him I make the answer clear, his hands slide down my spine to my hips, he squeezes them and I smile nervously against his lips when he takes my butt in his hands. He doesn't stop, he squeezes it hard and sometimes delicately, letting the heat settle in the point of pleasure that I long for him to touch with his mouth right now.

But it's too much, I can't take huge leaps because I... I want other things from him.

"I want to take ownership of everything you are," I whisper delicately . I want to become the owner of your life, your world and you Salvatore.

—If that happens, you're going to kill me, Emily.

—You are used to living with death, this will not be the exception.

—But... Are you going to put up with me? —He asks interested—. Since you are my conquest everything is going to change and I don't know if you are going to tolerate it.

—You know I like challenges, try me and if I don't like it, Emily Fiore and Salvatore Marino end their game forever.
