Page 57 of King of Shadows

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"I can take her to my room," I offer. She can stay the night with me so she doesn't feel so strange, it's a drastic change for her.

"No, I want to listen to your damn things." He wipes his eyes regretfully. My grandpa said that there were bad people in the world, that they were the ones who were in the area and did questionable things, but that he didn't judge them because you don't choose where your life story begins - he sniffs - the parents are the ones. that decide where children will begin their lives.

—You are very intelligent, you know that? —Leone urges her—. Well, there is an unfinished business that is serious. Which means we need to talk about it and act immediately—we all sit down. I stay in the middle of Salvatore and Ginevra. Alessio is attacking non-stop in this area, our area. Something we didn't realize because he was acting from his location. He has his lackeys in our territory, he is achieving more by putting together a whole conglomerate of people willing to murder us.

Everyone pays attention to what Leone has to say, the little girl in his arms remains calm and with her face hidden in the man's neck.

—We know this because the escorts took the advantage, I made them follow him and nothing is a lie. Alessio is working with Alessio's father; Massimo. Alessio has not been seen outside for eight months, it is always said that he is at home receiving merchandise, associates and his whores. It's true? We don't know because by not seeing it we are walking a tightrope. What is certain is that Alessio is really assembling his battalion of people who are already spreading out in the area with the obligation to kill us at the slightest sighting.

"I told them," Gin mocks. Alessio had to do with all the problems we faced, he has not stopped acting and our supposed fight is with Alessio who was promoted to the position. Even though he has disappeared in recent months, someone was already monitoring Salvatore's every move,” he explains. That's why I was looking for Emily, the attacks near her building were from him, from Alessio, but we passed them off as Alessio because he was the one in charge.

She mutters, sure of her assumptions, my whole head is spinning. I can't stop thinking about the risk I went through today, I put many people in the crosshairs of bad people who will never tempt their hearts to kill.

"If that's true," Dom intervenes, "it means we should prepare." They have increased their numbers, all this shit is commanded by Alessio and Alessio's father. He is not there, the real one who should have been in charge of all this. How did you find out about this Leon?

—Because in the fortress Rinaldi had a person, a woman who was with me a year ago, we continued seeing each other until Alessio's father put her to work for the house. She is the family prostitute, that's what they call her, and she told me that the only thing she could give me was that," she reveals without fear. Alessio is not moving the pieces, it is Alessio. Today he spoke to me to tell me what happened while the bodyguards followed Alessio's men.

We all focus on him who continues trying to keep Trixi calm, who remains on his chest listening to everything and letting out the last tears she has left.

"We cannot stop to think and act," Salvatore speaks, keeping his posture straight and strong. We must do everything in our power to end this. The more time passes indicates that things are going to get worse. We must know what the fuck Alessio's father is doing, what the fuck Alessio is doing and where Alessio is. We must dismantle all of this before they make us fall, because they are close, no matter how arrogant and egocentric I want to appear to be the leader of this business, I can't - jaw tenses -. I can't think that they aren't going to come and screw me, because if what I think is true it means that the father and the cousin are our enemies. As long as Alessio does not show himself, we cannot declare him our next victim of torture under 'Ndrangheta.

It is not difficult for his brothers to understand and agree, the bodyguards wait for the orders and Salvatore only lets them know that tomorrow morning they will begin the movements.

“I want to say something else,” I intervene, clearing my throat slightly. I need a cell phone to contact David, he will stay at school and I need to know about him. With this I also want to say that I will not return to my job, today made me think that I am putting many people in danger just because of this rivalry between the two surnames. And no, I will not let people die for me, especially those little ones that I have seen grow up.

"We'll figure it out," Salvatore assures. For now you will stay here until the danger is less. On the other hand, visits to the house are reduced, we must be careful when entering and leaving to avoid being ambushed without even being prepared.

—So will you give me my cell phone?

"I'll give you another one for safety," he answers sternly. For the moment everyone goes to the rooms, tomorrow we will solve all this together and make the girl feel comfortable here —Leone thanks him with a short shake of the head—. Emily, I want to talk to you, come.

I don't say more, when I get up I reach Trixi who was on the other side of the table and kiss her forehead and seconds later leave the dining room. I follow him throughout the house still feeling lost, when Gin gave me the tour it seemed so big because of the infinite number of hallways there are and I assure you that they take you to the same place.

The air hits my face, we arrive at the patio where there is a huge fountain of a woman with a light cloth covering, from her extended hand comes the water that drips to the large plate that is located on the grass. There are a couple of concrete benches with some rustic touches carved into them, I sit on one letting him do the talking first.

"Things are getting worse as time goes by, I know how they work and what Alessio is capable of doing to get everything he wants," he says morosely. And I'm not going to hurt you, I'm going to make so many mistakes in this fight that it's impossible not to damage a little of what my life is. However, I don't want you to lose in this game that you have nothing to do with. I thought yes, that they were going to screw you so they could screw me and I didn't realize that the truth was different.

—What was that truth, Salvatore?

"I not only wanted to protect you, I wanted to see you again and have the pleasure of having you close because you had fucked me in the perfect way," I smile at the right moment when he crosses his arms over his chest. And I thought I could cover my intentions with all this shit. I am not going to follow my wishes no matter how much I want to, you have the last word.

"I told you that I would like to learn, the things in my life are boring," I remind him. I am not that girl who has a thousand qualities, a thousand ways of getting along with people to have this and that. I'm not the popular one in a circle and I don't want to say that I'm as different a girl as the others. It's just me, and that's it.

—In the same way, I will give you the choice because you deserve it—she extends her legs—. I can send you out of the country with all the comforts that are given to you here or you want to stay, but taking into account that in the event of the slightest harm that is done to you I will do the first thing. It's better to keep you out of this, you may be intelligent and capable, but I don't think it's feasible for you to ruin your life by entering this world.

I let out a nasal laugh, cover my mouth and when he looks at me he raises an eyebrow making me remove my hand from that place I always want to cover.

-I? I want a story to tell and I hope you will help me in the first pages, so I stay, you teach me and in the end if the risk is massive I assure you that I will have my suitcases ready to leave the country and maybe return when everything is fine .


—Yes, to thank you, after all if I'm still alive it's thanks to you.

He shakes his head trying to understand everything I just told him, I think Salvatore has trust issues, he doesn't believe that promises are kept and he doesn't believe that there are people who can be good to him.

—Thank you for Trixi, Leone really knew how to treat her from the beginning and although I know she can take charge, I will always be there for them if they need help.

—I know, after all she was left alone, with no one to continue watching over her, to continue watching over her life and to be aware of those stages that every good father longs to see. —He says it more to himself than to me—. Emily, things will begin to change tomorrow and you must be prepared for any good or bad change because we do not have enough months to decide with a critical eye what we really want.
