Page 73 of King of Shadows

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—Wow, wow.

Domenico is playing with a knife, spinning it in the air until he catches it in his thin fingers. Leone and Salvatore go as a duo to the table where they have a few gallons of some liquid and fill the syringes with that substance. As I walk behind them I realize the name of the gallons, which is why they have to be careful when filling the plastic tubes.

It's acidic.

"Well, you already know us, Oslon," Salvatore mentions, his gaze is dark and he gets lost in the shadows of the room itself. In a gale, the door slams shut, leaving only the light bulb above the victim to illuminate a few meters. of soil—. No need to introduce ourselves, although I must say that there is a new member, Emily Fiore.

"Salvatore Marino's whore," Satyr cackles. It is beautiful.

"She's not my wife, yet," he licks his lips, brings the needle closer to the person in the chair. But I have to say that as long as he is on this house no one can touch him, no one can do anything to him. He starts talking about all the shit between Alessio, his father, and Alessio, cousin of the head of the Crown.

He swallows the saliva accumulated in his mouth when he sees the needle stick into the vein on his arm.

"I'm not hearing what I want to hear, Oslon."

-I will not say anything.

-One way or the other.

Salvatore begins to inject the substance, when I detail the vein it is as if it contracts, pleats, wrinkles and then drives the prey in their hands into a frenzy. Leone approaches the other arm to be able to carry out the same dynamic and make him suffer.

—Fucking mother! —With her nails she clings to the arms of the chair, trying to contain herself—. Damn they are.

"We're going to empty an entire gallon," Leon threatens. You decide what to do, because after that certain parts of your body will be left over and will help us send a small message.

—Fucking mother, son of a bitch! — Salvatore brings the syringe closer to the eye of the subject who begins to move in fear. What do they want to know?

The man leaves with syringe in hand so he can ask a selection of perfect questions for this interrogation. For some reason there is no fear, there is just that nauseating feeling in my throat, my hands are sweaty and I rub them together to avoid getting nervous.

—Everything, every smallest detail.

—Alessio lost power a year ago because his cousin convinced Massimo that he could do a better job than Alessio, that is why he gave them approval without validating the word and posture of his own son —he expresses, his chest rising and falling— . Alessio and his cousin began to compete, the attacks were mostly from Alessio because that's the fucking problem between the Marinos and the Rinaldis, right?

“We have had problems for a long time because of many things, because of infidelities, lies and massacres between families,” says Leone. Although ours only became a competition to see who dies first.

—Well, Massimo loved the idea of being able to annihilate them because not only would he get the honor of killing the 'Ndrangheta, he would also take all the territory to be able to make the Crown stronger, more stable and not just one territory, that It's one more fight. —I myself stay away listening to everything, fear eats away at her head, leaving a slight warning that the moment she shuts up she is going to suffer. The problem was eight months ago where Alessio stayed in power, not as is because it must be clear to the people that Alessio is still standing, when that is not the case.

—How is it not like that?

questions him with a frown, they leave the syringes aside so they can cross their arms and listen to each of his words.

—Alessio has been in the Rinaldi dungeon for many months, he is tortured by his father while Alessio gains power and calls himself Alessio's Hitman, he is not like the right hand man, but he is the boss's select man —he gasped, The burning spreads through his body. That is why he is always close to the Marinos, to finish them off , although in reality he wants Salvatore for something more.

—Why do you want my brother?

Leone, for the first time, I don't see him with that iota of hatred towards his brother for everything that happened four months ago, the question is roared with ferocity, he is ready to bury his hands in the victim as long as they don't touch any of his brothers. To nobody.

—Salvatore has something... He has ties to someone he needs on Alessio's side.

-What are you taking about?

—You know what I'm talking about. —Oslon points to Salvatore with his gaze—. You know who you have had contact with lately in order to have a drug that is becoming fashionable, you need that drug, why Salvatore? I think it's obvious that you want to take down the Rinaldis, you needed her to kill Alessio without knowing that he didn't kill your parents. It was Massimo who gave the order to Alessio to have them killed because Alessio was against doing that, for years he has wanted to sign the Mafia Peace Treaty in Calabria and Apulia. It's just that you are still so engrossed in the idea that Alessio is the enemy.

The two brothers turned to look at him, I had not realized that he was playing with the cap and the needle of one of the syringes that was still sealed, I was just listening to everything, every smallest detail trying to create my own interweaving.

"For months I've been planning a way to put an end to the sons of bitches who are interested in taking everything from me," Salvatore bellows. That's why I made contacts with someone in power who could give me what I needed to end all this shit once and for all. That's why I looked for Kenneth Baslan, that's why I looked for his most lethal drug within the drug trafficking market because I thought that Alessio was messing with my balls when the reality is different.

"You were going to acquire the Lethal drug," Leone assumes. And kill without counting us? Damn, I thought we were a team.
