Page 94 of King of Shadows

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—The kisses will stay, right?

"Yes,principessa, now Lorenzo will talk to you about weapons, their types, weights and ammunition," he gets me off the stretcher. The study is not over, not for you.

—Well, whatever you say, someday I'll break your ass.

—We'll see,princeessa.

I return with my clothes and feeling more relaxed than normal, there are quite a few hours left until lunch so I have to take advantage of the time to learn about weapons. I am surprised to see the dining room full of those things, there are many sizes, bullets, grenades and when I get close I try not to touch anything.

"Ready for your first session, Miss Fiore?"

—Uhm, I think so.

"Okay, let's keep things light," he points to a corner of the table. Daggers, knives or blades.

I take a seat at the head of the table letting him bring everything closer to me and release the required information.

I'm not going to lie, having those simple weapons in my hands already makes me want to continue, want to find out more because all of this is amazing, every part, every bullet, every way and skill to take this and that blows my mind.

At twenty-five and I already have to learn to do different things, I have to get away from simple challenges and move on to another level where I really pass.

Me mastering this and understanding how to stab, how to attack and how to defend myself, there would be nothing to stop me because inside me there was that voice demanding that I obtain power, obtain all that that was taken from us when we were little.

Affection, attention, power, opportunity to decide, opportunity to deny and speak.

I don't need more opportunities or avenues, this is the right decision because there is no way out of this. The enemies already have me, they already watch me and persecute me with the sole objective of hurting me because because of my ex they already know that I am "weak."

I don't think so, not when I'm handling my cards on the other side and here they are not minimizing me, here they are trying to help me because I will always have the final word.





It's my birthday, finally twenty-six years old and at first I receive a message from my best friend congratulating me on my birthday. I don't see Salvatore anywhere, so I go take a bath so I can start the day on the right foot. The wounds on my face have improved a lot, I have not stopped following Salvatore's advice so that my bruises would disappear before this great celebration.

For some reason I feel more emotion than before, maybe the circumstance is what makes me feel that all this is new. I hear noise outside, I open the door while drying my hair and find Salvatore on the bed placing the first gifts. I approach him, he catches my waist in his hands and kisses me fiercely, a kiss that condemns, which is a punishment because right now I want to jump on his body so I can devour him.

—Happy birthday,princess.

—Thank you, all this was not necessary.

—Don't be modest, open them, all this will help you look great today.

I leave the towel against the bed and check the first box, when I open it I find a wide variety of fragrances from different brands, from the letter at the bottom I know they are from Ginevra, I open some and only take one to bathe my body in lotion.

—This smells too good.

—Wear whatever you want, I want your body to smell good for tonight.

—Remember that we have a girl, Salvatore.

—And the babysitter Leon has for her, we can be free at night.

He smiles mischievously while analyzing my movements, I find three boxes of low-heeled shoes and some sneakers that are from Leone. I am arranging everything on the bed, some more boxes are full of accessories, including rings, watches, earrings and necklaces that are from Domenico. In my life I had had so many jewelry, what I have to thank you for is that they are very simple and not so heavy jewelry.
