Page 96 of King of Shadows

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—Thank you Marino.

Ginevra fills me with hugs and with her strength she squeezes my abdomen making the air come out of me. I burst out laughing, we sit in the dining room letting the maids come in to leave all the dishes they have prepared. In its entirety it had been something very different, I really appreciate it because it is never bad to make changes to a traditional birthday.

After so much training and classes on weapons, explosives and everything that has to do with the mafia, I had to rest. I have to admit that since the massage with Salvatore, he kept his word. There is nothing but soft kisses, only today was a little different, it was more intense and only that. At the end of breakfast they bring me a beautiful cake covered in chocolate with several more pieces and roses made in fondant. They put the candles.

I didn't have a specific flavor of cake that was my favorite, I have always liked everything that has to do with pastries and their ways of combining flavors, so this one is more than perfect.

—Make a wishprinceessa.

I see the candle releasing a couple of sparks, wait until I close my eyes and make my wish.

"Whatever happens here, may it end well."

I approach blowing out the candles, the fire goes out and I am filled with applause, I get up to be in charge of cutting the cake while Salvatore disappears. Everyone has their piece of cake, we take a couple of photos and I have to admit that the coexistence between the brothers has improved. This does not mean that all their traumas have been overcome because I believe that everyone has their own story to tell, only they understand each other, make their way to the possibilities and continue working as a family so that this approaching war lasts I don't know. clan members.

I wait for Salvatore who appears seconds later with a box in his arms, when I put it on my legs I jump because there is movement. I immediately untie the bow, the box goes flying as the head of a chocolate-colored American cocker jumps on the box. I burst into tears, I take him into my arms, he fits completely in my hand.

—You didn't have...

—It's yours, you asked for it,principessa.

-It's lovely! —Trixi says from her place—. Why are you crying, Leoncito?

—Because it was what she wanted.

I hear them talking, Domenico and Gin approach so they can pet him because he is beautiful. I stand up, wrapping my arms around Salvatore's neck.

-Thank you.

—It's not even the smallest part of what you deserve, Emily Fiore.

-Thank you very much.

I wipe my face when I finish thanking him, I pick up the dog again and my best friend takes photos of him.

—What will you call it?

"I don't know Trix," I analyze the little dog again, when I move the collar I realize that a key was hanging from its neck and I hadn't noticed anything. No you didn't!

—Of course I did, they were my birthday gifts,principessa.

—I'm not going to stop crying because of you.

"He's outside, waiting."

We all went out, I didn't even have a taste of my cake. When I walk out the front door, a Bugatti Veyron of the year in silver sits with a huge red bow. I hand the puppy to the little girl and jump to get closer, I literally hug the car because I had never had the opportunity to have one of my own.

-Do you like it?

—It's beautiful, but this...

—Don't try to skimp on the value of the car, the price doesn't matter, it's yours, love.

I jump back on my feet like a little girl, I rush towards him, wrapping my legs around his waist, I go down again to see him from all sides. David stands next to me, releasing information that I can't capture because I'm in love with the color, with the power this car has. I reach out to Salvatore again, as if I were a little girl I ask his permission.

—Can I turn it on?

—Honey, it's yours, crash it if you want, I can buy you another one.
