Page 37 of The Write Knight

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?"Stay away from Sarah. She's Lizzie's best friend, and I don't want to have to beat your ass for breaking her heart," I growl as he holds his hands up in defense.

?"Dude, chill. I was just giving you shit. I was only about ten percent serious about if she is hot or not. Besides, I'll meet her tonight." He smirks, then gives me his trademark wink as he jumps out of the way before the pillow I throw has a chance to hit him in the face.

?"All right, that's enough. Go get dressed. We have to leave soon."

?"Yes, sir," he responds, giving me a salute of his hand. I roll my eyes as he walks off to his room. If I didn't care about being late tonight, I'd go beat his ass right now. I pour two more fingers of whiskey and head to my room to get dressed as well.

?Looking into the mirror as I straighten my bow tie, I hear Sebastian calling from the living room that it’s time to go. The buzz in my pocket also alerts me that Thomas is downstairs waiting. Satisfied with my appearance, I walk out of the bathroom and over to my dresser that has Lizzie’s present from Tiffany’s I picked up. I stash the classic blue velvet box into a tuxedo pocket. A flutter of nerves shoots through my body at the upcoming monumental night. By tomorrow, all news outlets will have pictures of Lizzie and me gracing their covers. I love the thought of claiming her to the world, but I worry what her reaction will be. No matter what, I’ll help her through it. It’s not an option for me to walk away now, and I won’t allow her to either. She is it for me. I’ve already claimed her body, and I will claim her heart. The way she looks into my eyes tells me I’m already close. I check my watch and see we are running behind schedule, which is something I never do. I look around quickly, making sure I have everything and jog out ofmy room.

?“Took you long enough. Hoping to impress a certain someone tonight?” Seb quirks his mouth with a devious smile. I could punch it right off him.

?“Cut the shit. You know how important this night is for our company, and for me,” I scold him, slapping his back harder than necessary. “Now, are you done whining so we can go?”

?He chuckles to himself, muttering something about being whipped, and walks toward the door. Locking my door with the pin pad, I follow behind.

?As we pull up to Lizzie’s apartment, I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Parking at the entrance, Thomas hops out of the car to collect the girls. Sensing my nerves, Sebastian speaks up, “It’s going to be great. She obviously likes you, for some reason,” he adds a bit quieter, and I smile at his attempt to lighten the mood. “Tonight, is about helping those children; it’s a bonus that Lizzie will be by your side. You’ve got this, bro.” Looking over at him, I see the sincerity in his eyes.

?“Thanks, man,” I let out another sharp breath. Emerging from the limo, I see Thomas, and my heart stops when I see the most stunning Lizzie walking beside him with her arm linked in his. She is speaking to him, so she hasn’t seen me yet, which gives me the opportunity to drink her in from head to toe. The silver jeweled gown hugs her every perfect curve and shimmers with every step. The light, reflecting off the diamonds, making her look ethereal. Her dark hair, softly curled, falls loosely down her back. Just as I glance at her face, her gaze locks with mine and another Jane Austen quote comes to the forefront of my mind."Their eyes instantly met, and the cheeks of both were overspread with the deepest love." - Jane Austen

?As she gets closer, I stand up straighter, smoothing myhands over my tuxedo and trying to dispel some last-minute nervous energy. I stroll over to meet her, taking her hand in mine. A charged current passes between us, and I can see it in her eyes that she feels it as well.

?“Darling Lizzie, words can’t describe how absolutely stunning you look tonight,” I praise, bringing her hand to my lips and pressing a small but lasting kiss, while keeping my eyes locked on hers. A shiver runs up her arm, and I smile at the affect I have on her. The reassurance that this attraction isn’t one-sided makes my heart leap with joy. Placing her hand back at her side, I glance over at Sarah. “You look beautiful, as well, Sarah. May I steal your friend for a moment?” She nods and continues toward the limousine. Turning back to Lizzie, I grasp her hands in mine and bring her body closer to my own. I shift some hair off her shoulder to whisper in her ear, “Happy birthday, baby.”

Goosebumps erupt over her uncovered skin around her chest. “Miles,” she moans, and the sound instantly sends a jolt to my already stiffening cock.

“You clean up nicely,” she compliments, as her eyes twinkle up at me.

?After kissing her neck, I step back and look down at the magnificent woman before me. Even in heels, she’s still a bit shorter than me. I reach into my tuxedo and pull out the blue box I placed in there earlier. Lizzie gasps, putting her hand to her mouth. “Miles you have done enough already!” she exclaims, looking from the box back up to me.

?“I could never do enough, sweetheart. I saw this and immediately knew that this was meant to be yours." I lean forward and gently press a kiss to the side of her neck; I am instantly struck with the scent that is entirely Lizzie, vanilla mixed with a hint of something feminine, yet understated, a combination that renders me momentarily incapacitated.Pulling myself from her body proves difficult, but I want to see her open her gift.

?"Open it, baby."

?"Miles, this is all too much! This entire day has been incredible! And oh," she gasps, as her hand covers her mouth, "I didn’t even get to say thank you for everything that you’ve done for me today. The flowers, the coffee, oh, and the phone, Miles, I told you I would get that! The spa was incredible and simply everything you did for me was so much more than I even deser…" I stop her mid-sentence by holding my finger over her sensuous mouth before she finishes what I know she’ll say next. She was going to say she didn't deserve anything, and I won't have my woman believing any of that. She deserves the world, and I will do all I can to give it to her.

?"Open it, Lizzie!" I say more forcefully than I should, but knowing it's what she needs to hear. She opens her mouth to protest but closes it back just as quickly. Looking down at the box in her hands, I can see she is trembling slightly, possibly from the cool night air or the anticipation of what's to come; but it makes me nervous all the same. Cautiously, she slips off the ribbon and I grab it so she can have her hands free to open the box. As I hear the box open, my eyes immediately find hers, so I can see the first true reaction she has to this gift. She sucks in a deep breath and her mouth forms an 'o' shape, but it's her eyes I can't look away from. They show all her emotions, and in an instant, a lone tear makes a trek down her beautiful cheek. I catch it with my thumb before it falls any further. At that slightest touch, her eyes turn to mine, and I see exactly what I was hoping to see. Love. I see the love in her eyes. Even if we haven't uttered those words to one another, the feelings are there all the same, and I can see it glowing from the deep pools of her eyes.

?"Miles, it's the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen. It's so unique. I've never seen anything like it before!" Shebeams up at me.

?"It's unique like you are, Lizzie. When I saw this piece, I knew the only place it belonged was around your neck. Please, let me do the honors." She nods, handing the necklace over to me so I can fasten it. I skim my fingers over the column of her neck and more goosebumps appear over her skin. Lizzie sweeps her hair up into her hands, so I can clasp the necklace in place. Once she lets her hair back down, she takes the pendant in her hand and studies the piece closer. I knew she would love this. The platinum Victorian key pendant on the necklace is adorned with an intricate pattern of diamonds. This necklace holds more meaning than I think she knows. It's the key to my very soul that I have entrusted to her.

?"I love it!" she whispers, looking back up at me. I almost tell her right then that I am in love with her and that I think I have been since the day she marched into that coffee shop, stealing my coffee. I smile when I think back on that day. It could have been like any other day, but it was the day I met her, and my life changed.

?A whistle sounds behind me, and without looking, I know it’s my jackass of a brother trying to get us to hurry up. I just want to stay in this bubble a little while longer, but the gala awaits.

?I hold my arm out and Lizzie wraps her hand around my forearm, as I lead her to the limo. As I help her into the seat, I steal a quick kiss to her cheek. She looks up at me with a sparkling twinkle in her eyes, and I thank my lucky stars I have this woman in my life.

Chapter 26


The feeling of this silky dress caressing my body sends chills up my spine, but nothing compares to the feeling of Miles’ warmth pressing against me as we make our way to the charity event. His large hand rests on my lap, making me wish we could time lapse this event and go back to my apartment, or more specifically my bed.I haven’t been able to get it off my mind, the way he thrust inside of me over and over, while pressing his glorious weight on top of me. Fuck I’m getting wet just thinking about it.I look up at him and admire his sculpted jaw line and cheek bones. He’s beautiful in a Greek statue sort of way. He looks regal and seeing him in a tuxedo amplifies this effect on me.

?“Are you staring at me, sweetheart?” he asks, squeezing my thigh a bit tighter and making a gasp escape my lips. He just smirks at me because he knows his effect on me.Ass. Two can play this game.

?“Actually, I was about to tell you that you missed a spot shaving,” I comment with a devilish smile on my face. His smile falters for a moment before I burst out laughing, which earns me a pinch on my side.

?“Hey!” I squeak, getting the attention of Sarah and Sebastian, both looking at me at the same time.
