Page 46 of The Starry Knight

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“It’s you and me against the world. Don’t ever forget that. I’ll always choose you. Always.” He brings his lips down on mine and I feel like I can’t get close enough to him. He barreled into my life and turned it upside down, but I have never felt more complete.

Sebastian pulls away and drops his hands from my face. Wrapping them around me, he pulls me close to his body in a tight embrace. His warmth seeps into my soul and I let out a contented sigh.He is my dark hero and I’m his chaotic fantasy. Together we are a messy, twisted, magical painting.

Chapter 25


“How about I draw you a bath so you can relax while I make these phone calls?” I question.

“That actually sounds wonderful. I can’t remember the last time I took a bath.” I lift Stormy from my lap, setting her on the floor before me. I run my thumb over her cheek, gathering tears.

“Let me get it started for you.” I stand and she moves from my path to the bathroom. I see her go into the closet, probably to get some clothes. Under the sink, I find some bath salts that I bought on a whim one time and never used. Once I got them home, I realized I was being a pussy and put them under the sink. They have been there ever since. Fortunately, they are finally coming in handy. I turn on the faucets and sprinkle in some salts. Once I return to the room, Stormy is coming out of the closet with clothes and toiletries. “It’ll only take a few minutes to fill up. You can turn the jets on if you would like. It’s kind of like a small hot tub.” She rolls her eyes at me, and I laugh. “Got to have the best for my girl. I must have known you were coming when I bought this place. Now, go relax. I’m going to order dinner. Any requests?” I ask.

“Hmm, I don’t really have any cravings. Just no eggs. I’m allergic,” she explains.

“Wow, really? I’ve never known anyone allergic toeggs. No scrambled eggs for breakfast then,” I joke.

“Yeah, but I never liked them anyways so it’s not a big deal. I’m good with just about anything,” she replies.

“Alright. I’ll come check on you in a little bit.” Walking over to her, I brush my lips across her forehead down to her ear. “No touching yourself without me in there.” I whisper in the shell of her ear. It has the desired affect because goosebump sprinkle her arms and up her neck. I kiss her there then stand, leaving her wanting more. I hear her take a deep breath as I walk away, and I grin to myself. I shut the door behind me and head to the living room. My first stop is my wet bar to pour myself a glass of whiskey. I don’t want to make this call, but I have to. I need to get them to stop harassing my girl.

I pull out my phone and scroll through the information that Jackson sent me about the Jacks’ family. I dial the number and listen to the ring as I take a large gulp of whiskey.

“Hello?” A man answers.

“Yes, I’m looking for Dennis Jacks,” I reply.

“Speaking,” he says.

“Hello, sir. My name is Sebastian Knight. I am calling on behalf of Stormy Brooks,” I begin.

“What does that little tramp want now? Hasn’t she taken enough from us?” He stammers on, sounding drunk. If I could punch someone through the phone, it would happen right now. I try to remain calm to get through this conversation without making things worse for Stormy.

“Actually, sir, I am calling to offer you a settlement in exchange for your permanent silence on anything involving Stormy Brooks. You will sign astatement that says you, as well as your family, will never do another interview and an NDA on the money you receive,” I explain, gripping the phone so hard, I’m surprised it doesn’t crack under the pressure. “You will also never contact Ms. Brooks in the future.”

“How much are we talking? I could be persuaded for a hundred grand,” He sputters. I roll my eyes and down the rest of my drink.

“Fifty,” I reply angrily.

“One hundred or it’s no deal,” He responds.

“Alright, you must not need any money. Sorry for interrupting you. If you change your mind, you can call me back at this number.” I wait a moment before I hang up because I know he will be singing a different tune in a minute.

“Wait, wait. We can work this out,” His slimy voice comes through the phone. I smile because I know I called his bluff.

“Fifty grand then?” I question.

“How about seventy-five?” he counters.

“No thank you. I told you the amount. It’s more than generous and more than the insurance settlement Ms. Brooks received,” I snap back, letting my anger peep through.

“Alright fine. Fifty grand it is, but I want it in cash,” he returns.

“Deal. I will have my attorney draw up the paperwork and someone will be in touch shortly. This deal will be null and void if you talk to the press anytime between now and receiving the payment, signature, or no. Also, on the day you receive payment, you will make an official statement that Ms. Brooks was innocent throughout this whole ordeal,” I acknowledge.

“Fine. You have a deal,” he agrees.

“Thank you for your time.” I hang up and toss my phone to the couch, rubbing my aching temples. What a fucking nightmare of in-laws she’s had to deal with. I can’t believe after everything she has been put through, that people will still continue to treat her poorly. Even supposed family.

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