Page 6 of The Starry Knight

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“By the way, I spoke to my catering boss and she’s more than happy to bring you on board, starting with this big fundraiser this weekend. We can go by and get your uniform tomorrow,” Lana mentions as we head out the door of our apartment.

“Thank you for setting that up. I hope waitressing is like riding a bike,” I reply. I admit that I’m a little nervous because it’s been a couple years since I’ve done it. But I need to get my life started here and what better way than to have a job lined up. The thought gives me butterflies. Maybe I really can do this. Maybe I can be the Stormy Brooks I want to be. “So, where are we heading tonight?” I question as we get into the elevator and make our way down to the street.

“There is a cool bar up the street with awesome food. Mostly younger crowds hang out there becauseof the artsy atmosphere,” Lana answers. “We can walk there from here. That way we won’t have to Uber back after we’ve had a few.” I nod in agreement as we set off down the street. The cool air on my face feels nice and fresh after spending the whole day in the apartment. I take a deep breath and follow Lana to our destination.

Chapter 3


It’s already fucking Saturday and the fundraiser begins in less than four hours. Shit is hitting the fan all over the place. My phone begins ringing again as it has been all morning, look down at the caller ID and see Miles' face smiling up at me. “Fuck!” I mutter to myself as I scrub my hand over my eyes. I slide my thumb across the screen to answer his Facetime.

“Hey bro, aren’t you supposed to be honeymooning?” I question before he can ask me how things are going here.

“We are. We just got to Dublin and Lizzie is ecstatic. How’s everything back home?” Miles asks before I can comment on Dublin. He’s calling to check up on me.

Of course, he is.

“Fucking fantastic. Ya know, we should throw these parties all the time. They aren’t stressful at all,” I say sarcastically.

Miles laughs, “I’m sure you have everything under control. How’s Elijah managing?”

“I don’t think he’s slept since you guys left. He jumps every time I come near him. It’s starting to give me a complex. I’m not trying to be a dick, but he seems to think I’m the devil himself,” I roll my eyes at thephone and Miles just chuckles at the shit I am going through.

“He’s used to me. I don’t have the temper that you have, well, unless provoked. Plus, you have the tattooed bad boy vibe going on. He isn’t used to you. Anyways, just wanted to make sure everything is ready for tonight. I don’t have to remind you that this is an important event for the company. Since I’m not there, you are the leader of KPC. Please act like it. Marcy will be there just in case something gets out of control,” He goes on and on.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, big bro,” I reply dryly.

“I do believe in you. I wouldn’t have left if I didn’t think you could handle it. So, quit your little pity party and get shit done. You’re a Knight. You got this. I took extra precautions with having our public relations rep there with you.” He chuckles as he says this.

“Well thanks for believing in me,” I murmur darkly. “Listen, I’ve missed like ten calls since we have been talking. Tell Lizzie hi for me.”

“Alright, alright. Call me if you need me. Love you, Seb,” he replies.

“Yeah, yeah, love you too bro.” I end the call and throw the phone on my bed. I’m not looking back at that shit until I do some cardio. I need to get some of this stress under control. Grabbing some clothes, I walk down the stairs to my exercise room. I jump on the treadmill and put my Earpods in, cranking up the volume. I speed the machine until I’m at a full run. My playlist signals to me when I need to speed up or slow down, I made it with the treadmill in mind and it keeps my pace well. I run through the playlist for thirtyminutes and then move on to the slower cool down tracks at the end.

Jumping off the machine, I grab my towel and wipe the sweat from my face and neck. The workout might’ve helped my stress a little bit, but it skyrockets back to the top when I get back to see my phone has thirty missed calls. Most of them are from Elijah. He’s freaking out about the investor fundraiser tonight. I’m definitely not the one to comfort him. I’m more of a get it done and move on type of person. I don’t dwell on the things that I can’t change. Elijah on the other hand, is a perfectionist.He wants everything run by me and approved by me though. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I want him to believe in himself and not need me to hold his hand every step of the way. He needs to take his own initiative and trust his gut.

As I stare down at the calls, I’m reminded why I hate these stupid parties in the first place. Miles is the one that deals with this shit normally, not me. I don’t want to be the one that arranges party decorations, or caterers to use, or anything else. Tell me where and when I need to show up, and that’s what I’ll do.

If only Mary would’ve gotten me an assistant already, I wouldn’t have to deal with this shit. Hopefully on Monday I’ll have a new person on my team and Elijah can take a breather.

I toss my phone back on the comforter and walk into my en suite bathroom. The lights instantly turn on as I step inside, a feature I wanted throughout my penthouse. I like hands-free technology. I take a moment and sync up my Bluetooth speak to my phone a miscellaneous playlist begins blaring through my speakers as I jump in the shower. The showerheadscome to life at the perfect temperature I’ve set them to. It’s amazing what money can buy. Soaping up my body, I think about the night ahead. My brother and I normally don’t bring dates to these shindigs, but I hope there’s someone there that I can take home, it’s been a long and stressful week and I could use the release. I rinse my body and step out of the shower, as the motion censored showerheads cut off.

Grabbing a towel, I run it across my hair several times and then wrap it around my waist. The heat in the bathroom steamed up the mirrors, so I have to wipe my hand over one to see what I’m doing as I shave my face. The past week I’ve been sporting a short beard, but that ends tonight. Once I’m done, I dry off my face, clean the sink, and brush my teeth.

Returning to my room,I step into my closet and pull out tonight's tux and hang it on the door. Before I can even think of getting dressed, I need a drink. Having a small wet bar in the corner of my room has its advantages. I head that way and pour myself two fingers of whiskey which I down in one gulp. The burn is one that I’ve come to love. I haven’t always been a whiskey fan, but it was our father’s drink of choice and he passed that love down to his sons. I pour another and walk back to my closet, placing my glass down on my dresser.I check myself in the mirror, I'm not going to deny that my time in the gym pays off. I admire the tattoos on my chest and arms, making a mental note to call and make an appointment for another. I just can’t get enough of them. Ink is addictive, but also meaningful. I don’t get tattoos just to get them. They all represent something. Over my heart is the Knight family crest and under is my father’s name. That’s just one of the many.

I stop my perusal and begin getting dressed. Throwing the towel into the bin, I pull on a pair of black briefs. I’m about to put on my pants when my phone rings again.Fuck. If I make it through the night without throwing my phone into the Hudson, it’s going to be a miracle.

“Sebastian Knight speaking,” I answer.

“Yes sir, this is David with the Riverfront venue. We have you booked for this evening’s festivities. I’m just calling to let you know that the caterers have arrived, and the decorators just left. Everything is under control, sir,” the owner of the venue replies.

“Thank you, David, for seeing to that. I will be arriving when the guests do. Please make sure the caterers know the proper protocol for not conversing with the guests,” I state, as I press the phone between my ear and shoulder, while I continue to dress.

“Yes, sir. The staff is up to date with all the information and protocols. I just had a meeting with them,” David supplies.

“Good to hear, David. Make sure security is at all entrances,” I respond.
