Page 11 of Innocent Revenge

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“Ah, come on. They’re dotes. Drive you crazy, but total dotes.”

“I know.” And I do. I spoil my nephews just as much as Sean.

I think the office drama years ago gave birth to my desire for a family of my own. As Finbar paraded his perfect life and family in front of my disastrous love-life choices, I wanted what he had. It didn’t help that my first nephew was born shortly after, teaching me the power of unconditional love.

And yet, ten years later, the woman I want to share my life with is still elusive. As are the children I so desperately yearn for. And time is running out, as Sean keeps reminding me. I’m not getting any younger. I’ve tilted over the far side of thirty.

Sean huffs. “But tell you what, the only way I got away from putting the four devils incarnated to bed tonight is because I told Siobhan that you were dating someone new and she wants all the gossip.”

“Fuck off.” I laugh.

“You have to give me something. Surely, you’ve hooked up with someone lately, just to let off some steam?”

“Tell her I’ve got my eyes set on someone at work.”

“Yeah? Is that wise?”

I shrug and hesitate only for a second while fighting to hold back my smirk. “There’s this hot young thing that I’mmentoring this summer.”

“You filthy old bastard, flirting with the intern, huh?” My brother grins and lifts his glass, all moral issues forgotten over juicy gossip. “Filthy bastard.”

I grin too, but I have no intention of sharing who this young hot thing is. This young hot thing with the puffiest of lips and the most innocent of eyes. I wonder what shade of pink her nipples are. I hum to myself as I imagine unbuttoning her blouse. Yeah, my search for a wife and kids will have to take a backseat. I’ve got a different chase to focus on this summer. I take a big swig of my fresh Guinness and nod distractedly to the barman.

The pint is smooth.



“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It’s been four days since my last confession.”

“Ah, Caitlin my child, it’s good of you to take the time to see me this morning.”

“Of course, Father Murray.”

There’s no such thing as anonymity in the confession booth.

I can just about make out his tall frame through the sliding window. He’s in his mid-forties and has been in this church the last ten years. Mum and all her golf friends took great joy having a young priest in the church when he first arrived. They flocked around him, making sure he was well looked after, and he loves to look after them too, spiritually.

“Now, what brings you here today, my child?”

“I um…” I shift on my knees and wring my folded hands. It would be a sin not to confess my sins. But I promised Aidan not to. And what would happen if I do? My confessions have more than once got back to my mother – oh yes, Father Murray is not one to keep secrets, even if they’re only supposed to be shared with God.

Can I trust him with what I’ve done?

I’ve been a mess ever since Aidan kissed me yesterday. It felt so good, it almost made me understand why people sin. Knowing what sin tastes like makes the sacrifice of being good even bigger. And I’ve been good for so long, it’s like I can’t take it anymore.

All I really wanted there in his office was to beg him to never stop.

But he did. With the promise of teaching me.

The following hour, he did teach me, but not about kissing. No, the lecture was about the company and business strategy. A lot of it went over my head, but when he talked about design, I lapped up every word. He flicked through my sketchbook and pointed out which ones would work and why others wouldn’t. Then he suggested changes to some, and seeing his strong fingers holding the pencil and effortlessly creating art on the page was inspiring.

I nod to myself. Yes, it was inspiring, although… watching his grip on the pencil, I was reminded what it felt like when he touched me with those fingers along my necklace.

He only kissed my forehead when I left, even though I had lifted my face like a wanton whore. A coil of shame churned in my chest, but it was mixed with sparks of tingles as he whispered,‘Your lessons in sin will continue tomorrow.’

Dinner was torture. Dad wasn’t happy about what had taken place in his office, that he had been forced to give me ten percent of the company. Mum went on and on about how greed was a very unsavoury trait for a young woman.‘How will you ever find a suitable husband when you act like that? You should be more like your cousin Theresa. She’s already married with kids. She never stole assets from her parents.’
