Page 17 of Innocent Revenge

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“Christ, Caitlin!” Irene butts in. “Have you forgotten what Aidan has taught you already? I swear, you live more in your own head than in the real world.”

“No, I-I remember, Mr Byrne. I will practice tonight.”

“Good, good.” Irene claps as if she’s a circus director,hurrying her daughter from her desk, then gasps while her face twists in horror. “What are you wearing?”

“What do you mean?” Caitlin looks down her skirt, worry lines creasing her normally smooth forehead.

“That skirt is practicallybohemian! Cover it up with your coat. We have to go home first. I can’t have you in church wearing that.”

“Yes, Mum,” she mumbles. I do feel a little sorry for her at this stage.

Irene turns back to me, her face once again carrying her arrogant smile. “Aidan, you simply have to come to the church charity event. I’ve been working on this for a long time, and it will be an absolutely wonderful affair. The Ambassador of Norway and her husband just confirmed that they will be in attendance, and naturally, Judge Wallace will be there.”

“Of course, Irene. Put my name down.”

She falters for a second. I normally have an excuse at the ready when she tries to push her events on me. Why did I say yes this time? Could it have something to do with the prospect of having a secret romp with her young daughter right under her nose? Abso-fecking-lutely.

“That-that is great!” Irene takes a deep breath, the frills on her blouse trembling. “Will you be bringing a date? I pray for you every day, Aidan, that you will find a nice woman to spend your life with. It’s not right that a man your age is single and hasn’t settled down. People talk. You shouldn’t be so picky, you need to compromise. Not everyone can find their perfect match.”

I grit my teeth at her condescending words. I never thought I’d be approaching forty unmarried and no family of my own. Things never worked out with my girlfriends. I’ve ponderedabout this many times, often late at night staring into a glass of Jameson.

Rosemarie is the only proper long-term relationship I’ve had since I was a teenager. I thought she was the one; I thought she was my Siobhan. I found her accent cute and she was gorgeous with her dark brown hair and big tits – and she was fiery, just like my brother’s wife. After two years together, she dumped me for her childhood sweetheart from Skibbereen. It took me a long time to admit that I was relieved when it was over. Whereas my brother would rave about the steamy make-up sex after heated arguments, I didn’t have the temperament to match Rosemarie’s outbursts. Instead, I had been tiptoeing around her for two years while refusing to admit that I was miserable. Nevertheless, I think I really started hating Finbar when I detected glee in his gaze when I told him about the break-up. I was once again single, and Finbar was happy to still have mastered the wife and family goal while I sucked at it.

Sometimes I’d like to blame Irene for changing Finbar – he wasn’t always such a dick. I’m sure she’s part to blame, but truth is, Finbar has an inferiority complex. He didn’t come from money or the upper class, like Irene did. He’s got something to prove, and that has taken over his being. I’m the easy target – I’m younger and good looking, still in very good shape – so having the upper hand makes him feel superior. All the spats in the office when he’s thrown in the‘my decision rules’or‘your lack of good judgement’arguments are all a power play. It’s sick that he needs to use it onme, his business partner and old friend.

But hey, I’m on track to revenge all the times he and Irene have made me feel an inch tall.

“I’ll not bring a date, but maybe I’ll leave with one. Any ofyour friends up for one-night, no-strings-attached fun?”

Pure shock flashes across Irene’s face. “Aidan! You are unredeemable!”

I chuckle to myself as she turns to leave. Irene may be shocked now but imagine her horror if she knew that I plan to defile her young daughter. My chuckle stops when I meet Caitlin’s big eyes. Damn. To get the young woman’s trust, I can’t talk too much about other women or my plans for her may blow up in my face.

“Caitlin, don’t forget to do that studying tonight.” I wink at her behind her mother’s back.

She pushes a red curl behind her ear and red is also tinting her cheeks as she whispers, “I won’t, Mr Byrne.”

The door closes behind them and I lean back in my chair. My cock is still half hard, and I rub it through my trousers, reliving how sweet Caitlin’s mouth tasted, how her tits pressed against my chest, how eager she was for more. I unzip and bring out my growing length. A deep groan travels up my throat as I turn my hand into a tight fist, imagining it’s Caitlin’s virgin pussy. I laugh quietly and feel the evil tilt to my grin as I pump up and down my shaft. I’m going to turn Irene’s little angel into a sex-hungry slut.



“Good morning, Caitlin!” Aidan bursts through the door, a big grin on his face. I wonder what has put him in such a good mood this early.

“Good morning, Mr Byrne.”

He hangs up his jacket, then stops right in front of my desk, hands at his trim waist, eyebrows raised. “Well?”

“Well… what?” I ask and try not to rake my eyes up his long legs and fitted shirt.

“Did you do your homework yesterday?”

I shift my gaze down at the desk and mumble, “You don’t beat around the bush, do you.”

I’ve been in a state of mixed shame and excitement since yesterday. My panties were sticking to my skin under my skirt after Aidan kissed me for a second time. I know what it means. Father Murray may have instilled in me the importance of virtue, but that doesn’t mean I’m completely naïve. Some of the girls in school are much more frivolous than me, and they talk.

“Well”—Aidan’s voice turns soft—“the way your mothertreated you yesterday, belittling you, I want to know that you felt better, vindicated, by the end of the night.”
