Page 16 of Innocent Revenge

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He sighs so heavily, I know I’ve disappointed him.

“It’s not a sin, Caitlin. That’s just something the Catholic church has made up so that sweet girls like you don’t get tempted to do more. Not everyone is as strong as you, Caitlin. It’s like having one piece of chocolate and withstanding the temptation of having one more of the selection box. But you’re strong, you can stop when you need to. Can’t you?”

I nod because I want to believe that I can, although I have a hard time following what he means.

“So tonight, at home, when you’re in your bed, I want you to put your hands in your panties and touch yourself – there.” He rolls his hips firmly against me, and a lightning bolt of heat rocks me. A moan travels up my throat from the strange sensation.

“H-how do I… touch?”

His blue eyes are so dark, they seem pitch black. There’s an edge to his tone. “Do you want me to show you?”

I hesitate for a second before I nod again. Aidan’s big palm is on my thigh, over my skirt, slowly dragging up, up… I close my eyes. There’s a foreign pulsation in my body and my heart isbeating so fast, it’s swishing in my ears. I hold on to his shirt for dear life.

Aidan’s heat suddenly disappears, and he hisses, “Get behind your desk. Now!”



I’ve hardly plonked down in my chair when there’s a hard knock on the door. That was too close. Thank God for that creaky floorboard outside my office. I glance at Caitlin who is scurrying behind her desk, all dazed and red cheeked. It may not be a bad thing that we were interrupted – I was losing control, moving too fast.Fuck. I was ready to feast on her pussy when she only had her first kiss yesterday. I have to steady the pace to succeed – I can’t let my own lust cloud the path to the end goal.

“Come in,” I call while adjusting my hard cock in my trousers.

My second least favourite person enters my office, as if we summoned her dark spirit with our action in her honour.

“Irene, what a surprise. How are you this morning?”

“I’m good, so nice of you to ask.” Caitlin’s mother purses her lips in a small smile while glancing down her nose at me, as if I’m a stray dog that for once behaved well. “I was told Caitlin was here and trust you don’t mind that I steal her for the rest of the day.”

“Steal her?”

“We’re preparing a charity event in the church a fortnight from now and I need her help.”

Caitlin’s face falls. “But, Mum, it’s my first day and I’ve hardly done any work for Mr Byrne yet.”

“The starving kids in Africa don’t feed themselves, Caitlin,” Irene snaps. “Do you put your own needs before them?”

“Sorry, Mum.” Caitlin lowers her head.

“Were you not at confession this morning?” Irene continues, every word like a lash of a whip.

“I was, yes.”

“And what did Father Murry say about selfish behaviours?”

I clear my throat, mortified for Caitlin at being treated like this. But I also feel like rubbing my hands together in glee – Irene’s tirade is feeding right into my masterplan.

“Irene, of course you can have Caitlin for such an important cause. But maybe she can come in early tomorrow?”

“That’s very kind of you. I’ll make sure she’s up early and not faffing around.”

“Thank you, Irene. And, Caitlin”—I pause for a second, making sure I have the young woman’s attention—“perhaps you could practice the techniques that we were discussing earlier at home?”


“Yes, the ones that we were discussing just before your mother arrived.”

Her green eyes widen and she bites down on her lip.
