Page 32 of Innocent Revenge

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“You can’t have acaton the sign! It needs to be classier than that!”

“It’s supposed to be a family day,” I hedge.

Mum rolls her eyes and bites out, “Just do as I say. And whoever brings their kids better keep them on a tight leash. We’re hiring proper china and crystal for the catering! Now get rid of that cat. Do your cat doodles in a notebook.”

“O-okay.” I swallow thickly. Mum is stressed about the event, and she’s taking it out on me.

“You’re very talented.” Mrs O’Reilly’s attempts to cushion Mum’s blow and I force a smile on my face. I’ve become an expert at hiding the hurt caused by Mum’s comments.

“Oh,” Mum waves her hand at the sign in a dismissive manner, “it’s just her hobby.Finis the talented one. You should see his work.”

“So true, Irene,” Father Murray coos. “Fin is such a talented young man.”

Fin, Fin, Fin. Always Fin.

I clench my teeth together and face Mrs O’Reilly. “Many congratulations on Sally’s engagement, Mrs O’Reilly.”

“Thank you, Caitlin. We’re all so happy for her.”

“Did youseeSally’s ring?” Mum butts in. “I wish you were as ladylike as Sally – or your cousin Theresa. Then maybe you too would have a big ring on your finger.”

Mum has surprisingly little knowledge of jewellery considering Dad’s profession – to her, size is all that matters, not the quality. I guess she’ll never find any beauty in the pieces I’m designing. They are small and delicate, not show-off in yourface.

“Good manners and a selfless heart are virtues any young woman should aspire for,” Father Murray adds. His downturned mouth and stern gaze give clear indication that he thinks I’m lacking.

“Indeed, Father.” On the same breath, Mum continues. “I think Fin should design engagement rings. He would be so good at it. Handling all those big diamonds.”

“I guess the skill would be in using smaller-cut diamonds and make the ring look just as impressive as a big solitaire,” I muse as shapes and colours fill my mind. “Maybe using different gemstones to complement the diamond would give the ring a classy, timeless and vintage feel without costing an arm and a leg.”

“You’re talking nonsense, Caitlin. Fin wouldn’t make cheap rings for the masses. He would make rings for theelite.”

* * *

Aidan isn’t behind his desk when I finally make it to the office. It’s almost three in the afternoon and I ran most of the way, but the wind wasn’t able to blow off my anger and frustration. I sink into my chair and put my head in my hands. I’m so sick and tired of no one taking me seriously, no one valuing the things I do. Being treated as nothing.

I’m sosickof it!

I wish Aidan was here. I wish I could unleash my anger doing wicked things, doing things that my stupid friends believe I’m too naïve to do, let Aidan do things to me that would make Father Murray hide behind the altar while drinking the communion wine. I could do dirty things to Aidan that would have Mum rub her eyes with soap.

I want to do it all!

I jump in my seat as the door slams.

Aidan’s shoulders are up by his ears, his fingers forming tight fists.


It takes a few seconds before his clenched jaw relaxes enough to answer me. “Have you seen Fin’s designs?”

I don’t think I’ve ever heard Aidan call my brother anything but Junior.

“No, they never share things with me.”

“He…” Aidan breathes a heavy huff through his nose. “He’s usingmydesigns and only adding a precious stone to make them appear exclusive. And he will take all the profits, frommydesigns.” He points to his wide chest that is rising and falling rapidly.

“But… surely he can’t do that?”

“Finbar claims the designs belong to the company, therefore they are not mine anymore.”
