Page 68 of Innocent Revenge

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“You’re not the same person who showed me your designs back at the beginning of the summer.”

I bite my lip and lower my gaze. I play with the edge of my white shirt. “I guess back then, I couldn’t dream of sitting in my bare bum on a man’s lap,” I mumble as I glimpse my shaved mound between my legs.

“That’s true.” Aidan chuckles. “But you’ve changed on so many levels. You’ve blossomed, your confidence has skyrocketed and you’re full of life. You’re no longer the repressed young girl who only lived to please others.”

I glance up at him through my lashes. “You’ve kind of unlocked me.”

He takes a sharp breath and his arms flex again, bringing me closer as if he doesn’t want anything between us. “That’s the best compliment I’ve ever had.”

We sit like that for a few moments. I’m lost in thought as I listen to the soothing beat of his heart. Can I ever go back to the person I was before Aidan? Can I be this new me, without Aidan? I’m still hurt – hurt and excited, all at once.

“When did it change, from being all about revenge over my dad?”

Aidan’s chest expands as he inhales deeply. “I think… I think it was gradual, the need to feed your creative desire, to protect you against your parents. But funnily,” he pauses. “Funnily, the real shift happened when I spanked you. There was a true shift then – a connection between us – even though I didn’t realise it until you left me yesterday. You leaving was the eye-opener I needed. I’ve been wearing blinkers when it comes to my feelings for you, convincing myself that you’re too young for me. But age is just a number – it doesn’t matter when the person is right.”

“I guess…” I can hardly believe his words, butterflies are flexing their wings in my belly, ready to take off.

“I know I should feel bad for how I tricked you, but I can’t, because it gave me you. You’re a good girl, you’ll find a way to forgive me,” Aidan says cockily and glides his hand up my naked thigh.


“What?” he asks innocently, and I suppress the urge to giggle. The first butterfly takes off at the same time as his fingers become more adventurous.

“I guess you’ve unlocked me… sexually too.” I whisper the last words.

His eyes turn molten, and this time when he says the words, my pulse picks up. “Spread your legs for me.”

I don’t know if I should – I’m still confused by everything. But then his digits connect with the top of my folds and expertly locate that bundle of nerves that only answers to one God. Aidan’s finger. All the conflicting thoughts in my brain quiet, replaced by that familiar surge in my belly. With a stutteringbreath I whisper, “Okay.” And my legs part.

I press my face to his neck and soon I cling to his shoulders as his talented hand brings me higher and higher.

“Forgive me.” Aidan places soft kisses at the sensitive spot below my ear and whispers, “Please find a way to forgive me.”

I moan. “Keep touching me like that and I’ll find a way, really easily.”

He chuckles at my cheekiness.

“What a good girl you are. Such a dirty good girl for Daddy.”

My pussy clenches in response to his praise. His effort increases, the pressure is firmer, the tempo faster. The sound of my wetness mixes with my stuttered moans and Aidan’s low growls. His arm around my back shifts to allow him to caress my breast, pinch, tweak… A thick finger pushes inside of me and my hips lift in response.

“Don’t stop,” I whimper. “D-don’t… ah-ah….”

“I’ll never stop. I’ll look after youforever. My sweet fairy.”

“I um… ah!” I can’t form words, can’t think straight as I careen, really fast, towards the point of no return. The coil low in my belly bursts. “Daddy!”

“Marry me,” Aidan grunts.What?“Marry me, Caitlin.”

I see the rainbow. Fireworks go off and I scream. My muscles spasm, my hearing dulls, my vision goes black. I’m cocooned into a soft void where only pleasure and love exist.

“Caitlin, Caitlin! Are you okay?”

Gentle kisses on my face bring me back. My eyelids flutter open.

“What did you say?”

Aidan scans my face, his brows furrowed in concern. “I asked if you’re okay.”
