Page 9 of Innocent Revenge

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“You deserve to be treated so much better than you are. You behave so well, do everything that is asked of you. And this is the way he repays you? Let me ask you the same question as yesterday. Do you want to hurt your dad?”

“I…” I can’t control my breathing. “H-he makes me feel so insignificant,” I admit with a sniffle.

Aidan shakes his head. A dark lock of hair falls over his forehead, pointing to the deep frown between his eyebrows. “You should get back at him for making you feel this way.”

“What do you mean?” I bite my lip as I gaze up at Aidan’s handsome face through my tears. “Father Murray teaches us that forgiveness is one of the greatest virtues. I should forgive him, shouldn’t I?”

“Sometimes forgiveness can be mixed with… a tiny bit of revenge.” His dark eyes gleam with mischievousness.

“I don’t understand.” I really don’t.

“The sweetest revenge is in the innocent things.” Aidan steps closer to me, closer than any man has ever been. I bring my arms down by my sides, afraid I might accidentally touch him. “Your dad wants you to be a good girl, right?”

“Of course.” I nod. “I am a good girl.”

“Well, how about you be a little bad, behind his back.” Hecocks his head to the side. “Your dad will never know. Butyouwill. Don’t you want to be a bit… bad?”

“But-but being bad means…sinning.”

“A little sinning will not harm anyone, Caitlin. I’ll teach you.”

“H-how?” My head is spinning, and not only from his intoxicating, manly scent that surrounds me.

“Give me your lips, Caitlin. Let me kiss you.”

There’s a surge low in my belly and I clench my legs together. I want this. Oh my God, I want to be a bad girl and kiss Aidan.Behind Dad’s back.

“I can’t. I’m a good girl!” I blurt out, my cheeks heating.

“Caitlin,” Aidan whispers, his tone velvety smooth, tempting, his gaze dark and alluring. “It will be our secret. Just close your eyes, let it happen…”

With a big inhale, I squeeze my eyelids closed and purse my lips while tilting my head back.

My first kiss – my first kiss will be with Aidan Byrne! Aidan who I’ve had a crush on since he went into business with Dad when I was just a little girl. My heart is thumping so fast I could faint.

Nothing happens.

I know I’m short, but it shouldn’t take this long for him to bend down. Should it?

A low chuckle.

Lips still pursed, I peek through one of my eyelids.

Aidan is looking down at me with a badly hidden smirk on his face. “Caitlin, I’m not talking about a peck on the lips. You’re eighteen, I want to kiss you like a woman.”

Mortified, I drop my head. My shoulders slump and I cross my arms over my stomach, accidentally touching his abs. Iimmediately uncross my arms again. Could I be more awkward? Aidan is so much older than me, a man, a grown-up man, experienced, gorgeous… I’m just a girl, still unkissed.

With a finger under my chin, Aidan guides my head up. His grin has been replaced by a small tilt to the corner of his mouth.

“Just relax,” he murmurs. “Let me do the work.”

His thumb brushes over my lips, and they part. Achingly slow, his head comes closer…



If I had a penny for every emotion that’s flashing over Caitlin’s face, I could buy a round in the pub, even with the price of a pint these days. I wish I’d recorded this: the horror, shame, shock, but mixed with it all is lust and curiosity.
