Page 31 of Paved in Fire

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“I want to hear you say it.”

He pulls against his chain to try and relieve some pressure from his shoulders. All it does is make him wince in agony before he gives up with a heavy sigh. “He raped her.”

Even though I know he did, every word is still like a knife to my goddamn heart. “Did you?”

“No, fuck no.” His voice rises with each word. “No one touched her but him.”

I pull a pair of pliers from my back pocket and hold them up,smiling when his face goes a shade paler. “You wanted to, though, didn’t you? And you would have if he would’ve allowed it.”

“No,” he starts to protest, but I’m tired of listening to him. Ignoring his attempts to persuade me that he’s not a sex-trafficking asshole who enjoys raping women, I reach up and slip one of his fingers between the blades. The sound of metal cutting through bone is almost enough to calm me. His screams fill the garage, waking Konstantin before I’ve even gone through the second finger. When there are four fingers lying at my feet, I hear Vitaly’s voice behind me.

“Well that’s just gross.”

His words are muffled, and when I look over my shoulder at him, I can see why. With a half-eaten corndog in one hand, he smiles around the bite he’s still chewing.

“You’re the one who chose to eat a corndog.”

He shrugs his shoulders and laughs when I cut off another finger. “I was hungry. You want one? I made extra.”

“No thanks. I’m good.”

I step back and holler for Timofey. Seconds later, he’s walking into the garage, smiling at my handiwork. I wave a hand at Osip. “Get the blowtorch and stop the bleeding.”

He walks over to the shelf mounted on the back wall and grabs the blowtorch.

“Fuck, please no,” Osip moans, but Timofey’s already turning it on. The smell of charred flesh forces me into a memory I don’t want, but nothing is going to stop me from getting my pound of flesh, not even the screams of my dead sister.

When he passes out, I look at Konstantin. “Looks like it’s your turn.”

“Hold on,” Vitaly says, walking closer. “Seriously, I have like one bite left. Don’t cut off any more fingers until I’m done chewing.”

“You’re never going to get away with this.”

We both look at Konstantin. He’s trying like hell to appear like the tough Bratva boss he’s used to being, but there’s no hiding the fear that’s starting to creep into his eyes.

Vitaly points his now empty corndog stick at him. “We already have.”

“You’re going to piss off a lot of people,” he warns. “A lot is riding on the upcoming auction, and when it’s canceled, some very important people are going to want to know why.”

I laugh and slip the bloody pliers into my back pocket before pulling out my knife. “No one knows we’ve taken over,” I tell him. “The auction is still set for next month, and as far as everyone else is concerned, you’re still running the Lebedev Bratva and everything is as it should be.”

He eyes the knife before meeting my eyes. “Who is she to you?”

“Everything. She’s everything to me, and you took her from me and treated her like a goddamn animal.”

“There’s no way to work through this? You know I have money.”

“I don’t give a fuck about your money, and I’m sure it’s hard for your pompous ass to understand, but there’s no amount of money you could offer me that would make me forget about what you did.”

His eyes dart around the garage, eyeing first me and then Vitaly and finally Timofey, who’s waiting off to the side, blowtorch in hand. As much as I hate the bastard, Konstantin isn’t an idiot. He knows this isn’t going to end well for him, and I can see the way his mind is racing to find a solution, to find some way to get his ass out of this mess. When I see the corner of his mouth lift up in a smirk, I know he’s going with theI’ll piss him off in the hopes of a quick deathroute.

“Maybe I should tell you about my first time with your sweet Alina. She was so fucking tight, Matvey.” He groans at the memory as my hand tightens around the handle of the knife. “Want me to tell you about how she bled all over my cock? Or about how she cried so damn sweetly while I fucked her?”

“Easy, brother,” Vitaly says, coming to stand next to me.

I take a breath, willing myself to calm down so I don’t lose control. When I know I’m not in danger of sinking my blade into his chest, I smile at the man who’s hanging in front of me, completely at my mercy.

“Nice try, but I’ve waited too goddamn long for this. You made thewoman I love cry? You made her bleed? Let’s see how creative I can get with you.” I point the blade at his face. “I’ve already made you bleed. I wonder how long it’ll take to make you cry.”
