Page 59 of Paved in Fire

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“It’s okay,malishka,” he murmurs, slowly fingering me through the aftershocks. “It’s just you and me, remember?”

“Mm-hmm,” I moan, nodding my head as I fight off the unwanted memories and confusion that’s threatening to overwhelm me.

Very slowly he slides his fingers out of me and grips my inner thigh with his wet hand, splaying me open even more.

“This is beautiful, Alina. Your pussy after I make you come is the sexiest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen. Look at how perfect you are right now. Do you see how flushed your skin is, how swollen your pussy is, and how hard your nipples are?”

He groans and runs his eyes over me.

“There’s nothing wrong with being aroused, baby, with wanting me to make you come, and with wishing we could do more. Nothing between us could ever be bad or dirty or wrong, and it’s nothing for you to ever feel ashamed of.”

“I’m not,” I whisper. “I’m just so fucking confused.”

“I know. He took from you. He stole so goddamn much from you, and he made sex into something bad, something painful and ugly, but we’re going to change that.” He kisses my neck and wraps his powerful arms around my chest in a hug. “I love you,malishka, and I’ll gladly remind you every day for the rest of our lives that what we have is beautiful and special and so fucking perfect.”

“I know it is.” I turn my head so I can see him, resting my palm against his cheek and breathing in his familiar scent, letting it ground me in the way that only he can. He’s always been my safe place, and even now he’s able to chase away all my demons.

“Thank you, Matvey.”

He grins and kisses me. “For making you come? I’ll gladly do that anytime you want.”

Smiling, I shake my head. “For reminding me how beautiful it can be. I’d almost forgotten.”

His finger runs down my cheek while a soft smile plays at his lips. “I’ll always remind you.”

When I scoot on his lap, turning so I’m straddling him, he lets out a groan and lifts a dark brow at me. “What are you doing?”

It’s my turn to smile when I say, “Reminding you that I’m not quite as fragile as you think I am.”

“Malishka, fragile isn’t a word I would ever use to describe you.You’re the strongest person I know.” When I rock my hips, grinding against the hard length of him, he groans and adds, “And the most stubborn.”

His hands run down my back before cupping my ass and holding me in place.

“Alina,” he warns when I try to wiggle free.

Ignoring him, I run my hands down his chest and tug on his shirt until he sighs and lets go of my ass long enough for me to pull it off. The sight of his bare chest always does something to me. I swear my ability to think drops significantly anytime he shows skin. It’s like my mind goes numb, and all I can do is stare. Now is no different. Words fail me, so I use my body instead. I run my fingers over his broad shoulders, dancing them along his chest as I lean closer and kiss the tattooed skin.

This time when he says my name it’s not in warning. It’s a desperate plea for more. His fingers run through my hair, gently fisting it as I trace the letters of my name with my tongue, pulling another deep groan from him. His hips rock up, and I grind against him, watching the way his abs contract with the movement.

“You’re so beautiful, Matvey.” I whisper the words against his skin, kissing and licking and sucking my way to his neck. His deep laugh has me pulling back so I can see him. “Don’t laugh at me.”

“Never, baby.”

I can’t help but laugh at the amused look he’s still giving me. I’m always going to look at him with stars in my eyes. That’s how it’s always been, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Even now with me straddling him naked and my hands roaming his bare skin, I feel like I need to pinch myself.

Leaning closer, I whisper, “I’m so lucky to have you.”

He drags his thumb over my bottom lip while he runs his dark eyes over me. “I’m the lucky one,malishka. I don’t know how you can love and want me, but I’m so goddamn grateful you do.”

“You’re the sweetest man I’ve ever met, and you’re gorgeous, Matvey. I know you’re not blind to the way women look at you.” I liftmy brow at him. “I sure remember it well enough. I used to hate watching girls flirt with you.”

He cups my face, giving me his sweet smile. “I never wanted any of them, and none of them wanted me.”

“Oh yes they did.”

He gives a soft laugh at my tone. “No, baby, they didn’t. They just thought they did. You’re the only woman who’s ever known me, therealme, and you’re the only one I’d ever show all my scars to. I would never share that with anyone but you.”

I smile and kiss my way down his neck, savoring the taste of him. I’ve memorized every inch of this man, and I know exactly where his scars begin and end. My lips cross the boundary from smooth skin to rough scars right as he threads his fingers back into my hair and lets out a groan.
