Page 65 of Paved in Fire

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“What are you laughing at?”

“Nothing, baby,” I tell her, “just some jackass who was enjoying looking at you a little too much.”

She laughs and shakes her head like she doesn’t believe me, butthat’s just Alina. She’s never understood how unbelievably beautiful she is.

When I look back up, the man is gripping his phone, making a point to keep his eyes on the screen and off my woman. Satisfied, I smile and when the customer in front of us steps aside, we take her place and look at the menu.

“Do you know what you want, baby?”

“Oh my god what language is that? It’s so pretty.”

I look over to see a young blonde with a big smile on her face and a hungry look in her eyes.

Switching to English, I say, “It’s Russian.”

She giggles and takes in the tattoos on my neck and hands, and then she makes the mistake most women make when they see my face. She sees a handsome man she’d like to fuck, a guy with dark eyes and a pissed-off scowl that she somehow thinks doesn’t apply to her. The young barista who’s currently eye-fucking me has no idea that the only woman I smile for is the one my arm is currently wrapped around.

“Some things never change,” Alina mutters in Russian.

“And some things do,” I counter, leaning down and cupping her face. “We don’t have to hide our relationship anymore,malishka. Roman knows I’m going to marry his sister, and the sooner I get a ring on your finger, the better.”

I kiss her slowly, not giving the slightest fuck that we’re holding up the line and causing a scene. Nothing is going to stop me from touching and tasting the woman I love any goddamn time I want. It’s a privilege that’s been denied me for the last two years, and I’ll be damned if I let it ever happen again.

When I hear the man behind us clear his throat, I give Alina’s bottom lip one last suck, caressing her cheek with my thumb before standing back up. I turn to the man behind me, but he quickly looks away, pretending that he wasn’t just trying to get me to hurry up.

The barista blushes when I look back at her, but she manages to keep it professional when she looks at Alina and asks her what she wants. After we place our order and pay, we step aside to wait.

“I almost forgot how much attention you attract.”

I look down at Alina and laugh. “Me? Every guy in here has been staring at you, and it’s driving me fucking crazy. There’s a lot of eyeballs in this place that I’d like to remove.”

She holds up a plastic stirrer from the display in front of us. “Too bad there’s nothing but plastic utensils in here.”

I lean closer so my lips are by her ear. “Malishka, did you seriously think I’d leave the penthouse unarmed?”

“No, I guess not, but don’t get your knife out just yet. If I’m not going to blind the barista for the way she was eye-fucking you, then you don’t need to be removing any eyeballs either.”

I smile at the bite in her tone, and kiss her cheek. “Don’t worry,malishka.You’re the only woman who will ever see me naked.”

“Good,” she whispers right as my name is called.

I kiss her again, and then we grab our drinks and leave. Thanks to the coffee, the last half of the walk isn’t nearly as cold, and when we take a few turns and hit a row of brick townhouses, Alina looks around in confusion.

“What are we doing?”

I give her a wink and pull her down the sidewalk. When I look back, I see the black SUV turn down the street and parallel park, keeping us in view as Alina and I stop in front of the fifth townhouse in the line. They’re all identical, so the owners have done little things to try and differentiate them. Several have chosen to paint their doors different colors, while others have added little decorations like welcome signs or potted plants. The one we stop in front of has a red door and a little garden gnome tucked into the corner of the alcove. He has a green hat and a long, white beard.

Raising my hand, I knock on the door and then pull Alina closer. “I really hope you like this,” I whisper, suddenly feeling nervous. It had seemed like a good idea, but now that we’re here, I’m starting to second-guess it. My brothers were all for it, but that’s not saying much. If it were up to us, our women would be embedded with trackers and they would never be more than five feet away from us.So what makes perfect sense to us, might not go over so well with them.

The door opens before Alina can ask any questions. The man standing in front of us is wearing a friendly smile and a beard that’s oddly similar to his garden gnome. He holds out a hand to me.

“You must be Matvey.” He turns his smile to Alina. “And you must be Alina. Hi, I’m Ralph.”

“Hi,” she says, smiling but keeping her arm around my waist and her body close to mine.

I shake his hand. “Sorry we’re a little late. The line at the coffeeshop was a bit longer than we thought.”

A flush creeps up Alina’s cheeks because we both know it wasn’t the short line at the coffeeshop that made us late. It was her horny ass in the shower that did it, not that I’m complaining. I don’t care if we’re ever on time for anything again.
