Page 115 of Tempted Angel

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My fingers go cold as all the blood in my body rushes to my racing heart. My mouth floods with saliva, preparing to vomit.

I almost lose it right in front of every demon in the school.

He used my proper surname. My father’s name.

Somehow, I keep it together, willing the nausea away until all that’s left are my quaking knees about to crumble under the weight of that damned name.You know?

Of course I know. Now perform a shimmer and get it over with, so we might have a discussion.

I try to choke back the fear and bile clawing up through my throat once more. Harder to accomplish while not looking like anything is wrong.

Do it!

I nod and reach for the power held within the ring, bracing for the pain, the sharpness of power I’m not meant to wield. Preparing to make a fool of myself in front of everyone.

But that doesn’t happen. The pain doesn’t come. The jagged edges and difficulty I experienced in the forest…

Completely gone.

I told you.

I ignore him and test the magic, not fully trusting.

But as it flows over me, I detect no strangeness. No pain. Nothing even close to my experience in the forest.

It feels just the same as it did on Celestus.


It’s easier. Effortless.

Nearly as easy as wielding my native magic.

“Ms. Collins! Stop showboating and do as I’ve asked for the last several weeks!”

“If you say so,” I say with a shrug, and open a singularity right on his head.

Just like I promised myself I would. Karloff disappears into it, and I sit back down.

Axe looks like he wants to kiss me right there.

“He’s gonna be pissed,” Olivia says needlessly.

“Yes. That was the point, Olivia.”

Chonk pads over to my desk. “Where did you send him?” The question is neutral, as if he’s merely curious and wouldn’t care if I said I sent him to the moon.

“I sent him to Potion Master V’s room.”

The demon cat chuckles. “I’d have paid to see that exchange. You should have warned me. Now, come along. We’ve things to discuss.”

Axe bristles next to me. “She’s not going anywhere with you, cat.”

“Not without us,” Bastian adds.

Chonk eyes them, judgement all over his feline face. “I’m more capable of keeping Dove safe than any of you homunculi.”

I can’t keep from laughing. The thought of any of the very large demons sitting around me being considered “homunculus” small…
