Page 129 of Tempted Angel

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“You stole this from me,” Axe hisses.

Dash, or the demon with glistening topaz skin and a stunning pair of horns lying where Dash was, drops his hands and meets my gaze.

“You summoned my true form.” It’s a reverent whisper, full of gratitude and awe.

“I—I what?”

True form. Chonk had mentioned…

So had Axe. Some demons have one.

Dash hops off the bed, and I stare at his new form.

“Seven fucking realms, you’re taller than I am!” Bastian says.

Almost as built, too.

I can’t help the urge to go to him. To touch him. I get up carefully, not sure how my body would feel after…

A sinking pit lodges in my stomach, but I can’t think about that now. I can’t let myself have feelings about exactly what I did to cause this change in Dash.

That’ll come later.

Hesitantly, I reach for his chest. Dash juts the carved plane out proudly, grinning at me. “Look at me, Dove!”

I give Axe no attention as he storms out of my room and slams the door behind him. “You’re magnificent, Dashel.”

And I mean it. He’s glorious.

Dash lifts his arm to stare at it. “What color am I? Is this bronze? Copper?”

I shake my head. “It’s topaz.”

Dash smiles at me. “Yeah, topaz. I like that.”

Suddenly, his eyes widen, like he just remembered something important. “Holy shit, I forgot to check.” He spins around, trying to look at his back.

“Did I get wings too?”

“Nah, man. Just horns for now,” Bastian says.

“Whatever. I’m sure they’re on the way.”

“I’m sorry, guys. I’m still confused about what exactly is happening. Why are you suddenly a giant? Why is Axe mad about it? And why the fuck did I feel like I was going to die if I didn’t get demon dick?”

Bastian nods. “We’ll answer everything. But first, you need to soak, or your penis fly trap will get very angry.”

I burst into laughter at the absurd play on words and allow Bastian to lead me to the bathroom.

The three of us pile into the shower, and now I understand why there are so many nozzles. We all have our own space and water and wash the sweat and sex off us quickly. Bash is done first and trudges to the hot spring bath, trailing puddles behind him.

“Hey,” Dashel says softly when it’s just the two of us.

I turn to face him, and, again, I’m rocked by how stunning he is painted the same color as his eyes.

“Thank you. So much, Dove. I never thought this was possible for me. Not with my history. You’ve given me such a gift.”

He runs a finger down my cheek, and his gaze sparks to life as he continues the motion down my body until both his hands cup my ass.
