Page 156 of Tempted Angel

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“Dove, where did we meet?” His clear blue eyes capture mine, and his question transports me to the day of my accident. The hospital stay and his beautiful face at my bedside when I woke up.

“The mortal realm.”

He nods, lines forming at the sides of his eyes. “You were there because it was forbidden, right?”


“But I was there because the mortal realm is the only way to get to Cinder from Celestus.”

“OK?” I have no idea where he’s going with this.

“Whoever or whatever separated theangelus dæmoniumspecies into angels and demons hundreds of thousands of years ago made sure we never came in casual contact with each other by making the realms impossible to fast-travel to from each other. You can’t get to Celestus from Cinder, just like you can’t get from Cinder to Celestus.”

We were the same?

Angels and demons were once the same? I hardly know what to do with that, so I do what I always do, ask more questions. Because more information is better.

“Why would anyone want to separate a whole race of people?”

Gael lets out a long sigh. “That’s a discussion for another time, I’m afraid. For now, just know that it started as curiosity. I wanted to see our brethren for myself. Wanted to know if the doctrine that forbade it was truly for the best.”

He takes my hand in his, finally facing me fully. “Their ways are very seductive, especially to a sheltered angel. After yourrecovery, I’d go back occasionally to visit, and slowly, I began to lose myself in their vices.”

Vices. If he’s about to tell me he took advantage of demon sex workers…

Do I have any right to judge?

“The thrill of gambling on a fight and winning... The drugs, both magical and pharmaceutical, are simply unlike anything you can find in any other realm. The high is incredible, and I lost myself in it, racking up more debt, to bookies and dealers alike, than I could ever pay back.

“So, they imprisoned me in their work camp. I was digging out their lairs with lasers and harmonic resonators for weeks.”

My jaw drops. I hardly know what to say. “Are you OK?” I scan his body, looking for the injuries of hard labor.

He releases my hand and cups my face in both of his, drawing my gaze up. “I’m fine, Dove. Their treatment was just and fair. I deserved what I got.”

Maybe. Maybe he did but did that mean— “Troyan! Get your ass out here!” I call down the hall.

In moments, he’s striding up the hall. “I know I’m in trouble when she first-names me.”

“Did you know?” I ask, standing so I don’t have to look up at him even more than I already do.

Magic tingles on my skin, and I’m of half a mind to call on the Flames.

I don’t.

Because I won’t use them as intimidation like Malachi.

“Did you know he was imprisoned this whole time and decide to take your sweet time about it?”

My eyes go to his bruised cheek once more before meeting his again.

He looks right into my soul. “I knew where he was, yes.” There’s no remorse in his gaze.

I cock my arm back and punch him.

Right in the eye.

And to his credit, he takes it without complaint.

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