Page 17 of Tempted Angel

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How they got here without using the stairs…

I push through the crowd, happily chatting away to each other and seemingly oblivious to me.

Good. Just the way I like it.

As I reach my door, I notice a black rectangle over the knob. It has no buttons. No keyhole.

Great. Now I get to fumble with an e-lock in front of the entire dorm.

My hands shake as I swipe through the apps on my tablet. I’m certain I saw one with a lock and key icon. But try as I may, I can’t find it or any other app that might open the lock.

And the students that were previously talking about classes or plans or cheating partners, have now noticed me and are doing a shit job of disguising the whispered insults and speculation about me.

I hear every word.

“Is that the new demon girl everyone’s been talking about?” a feminine voice directly behind me whispers.

A lighter, floaty voice answers. “Yeah. She doesn’t look so powerful to me. And she’s really short for a demon.”

OK, that’s fair. Should I mention I’m short for an angel, too?

No, Dove. Keep that mouth buttoned up.

Sera and I talked about making me taller, but ultimately decided less was more with my glamour, so here I am, in all my five-foot glory.

The third, a throaty sound with the authority that comes with high status, doesn’t even bother to keep her voice low. “Wow, is that what all the fuss is about? Really?”

Each comment dings against my nerves until I can’t take it anymore. I spin on my heel and stare daggers at the three demon women across the hall from me.

Each one is more beautiful than the next. A redhead, a platinum blonde, and a brunette with coily spirals that almost brush her shoulders, all radiating dark power and each one wearing what I can only assume is the latest fashion of the realm.

“Something to say?” The redhead lifts a brow at me. A challenge. I immediately recognize her as the ringleader.

All the background whispers stop.

The hall goes silent.

I stare at each one in turn—memorizing their faces and the cinched silhouette of their tailored, expensive clothes—waiting for my brain to make my mouth take care of this for me.

So, imagine my surprise when I don’t have to.

“Alright, alright. Stop ogling the new girl, ya bunch of savages.” A student with hazel eyes and hair almost the same color, wearing a T-shirt proclaiming her allegiance to something called BC Lions, strides up to me.

She rolls her eyes and jerks her head toward the three demons.


“Olivia, why don’t you find the heirs you’re always draping yourselves over, huh?”

I tense at the word. Heirs.

That’s who I’m supposed to find.

Olivia scoffs. “Whatever.” She turns around and tells the other two to do the same, as if it was her idea all along.

The student, who’s eye level with me, magicks open my door and pulls me inside.

“Don’t pay them any mind.” She closes the door with her foot and takes the tablet from me, tapping furiously before handing it back.
