Page 54 of Challenge Accepted

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He cupped her face. “You told him about the expo?”

She teared up and one escaped to roll down her cheek. “He’s proud of me.”

“Of course he is.” He thumbed away her tears. “You’re an amazing artist that’s going to take the world by storm.”

“How about just a few stores that want to sell me exclusively? I kind of like that idea.”

“Whatever you say, Goldie.”

“Well, how about this…I dare you to let me have a second chance.”

His heart stuttered. He needed it to be more than that—bigger than that. “I challenge you to go for forever instead.”

A smile lit her entire face. “Challenge accepted.”

He lifted her off her feet and kissed her until she melted around him. Then he kissed her some more.

And a little more.

The sun set behind her, turning her his very favorite color, and he was pretty sure she felt a lot like home.
